Would you recommend buying the game now post patches?

I’ve played this game quite a bit from the release and I would say it’s almost out of beta. I would recommend people to get it around christmas when it’s been patched a bit more and when a few more DLCs are out.

Many elements are still rough; Scyllas spawns on top of you in mission, chirons oneshot your entire squad; in protect missions the monsters already surround the buildings you are to protect. Mobs snipe you from across the map with assault rifles etc… the core is great but it needs polishing.

That’s a fair question.

Of course, this is my personal opinion but I’d like to point out that that I have been with this game since before the first backer build so I am aware of it’s developments.

The noise was the sound when you win a certain battle. It just doesn’t sound atmospheric and a bit off, like a lot of the soldiers voices.

Basically it’s all visual. Functionally it works even if it would be a little confusing for a newcomer but these kind of games usually are.

The UI… I have a lot of problems with… OK, so now I’ve put 4 hours into Cthulu and very much enjoying it but…the UI… It just looks awful.

Tiny, badly designed, now with unexplained little numbers or explanation marks instead of, I don’t know, colours,shapes, animations, something imaginative… The bases are square boxes with again unimaginative images and a bit of text. It’s a bit more… Shiny now. But it’s the same UI… Like giving Vista a paint job.

It’s also bugged, I found some ammo manufacturing not working for some reason, also I noticed that when you go to the lore section (I love the lore) you can’t scroll to read the text… I tried to F12 the bugs… The game crashed!!

That really pissed me off!

But on the bright side, gameplay, I really enjoyed the fact that the game runs beautifully now, the changes
They’ve made to missions, exploration etc. I hope to actually finish this campaign for the first time.

So… I don’t like the UI because even if it’s more “shiny” in my own, personal, opinion it’s very ugly for a modern computer game and it takes you away the immersion.

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