Yes, they are. Balance is hard. And is subjective.
When your only aproach to balance is nerf the player, sooner or later u cross the line. I should not have to said that, is obvious.
Balance by definition is about equilibrium. But Games are just more complex than an actual balance, and adding weight to one side alone just will not work outside of simple problems.
Lets face ir, many here and specially the CC are veteran hardcore players who want to have a challenging realistic, tactical experience. They know everything about the game, and they mastered every ability combination, squad composition and optimized tech progression. They want more game and they feel the advantage that they obtained by mastering the game reduces they enjoyment.
On the other extreme, a much numerous group of players is extremely frustrated on how unfair, and difficult and innacesible the game is even on lower difficulties.
A lot of people sits on different places on that line, and have other priorities as well. Ones related with pacing, progression and fun.
Now conversation about balance is mostly monopolized by just one voice. And has just one aproach to balance: lets nerf the player till the game gets hard enough.
Personally I don’t use exploits, and despite having a lot of experience with the game. I think its stupidly frustrating at times, too repetitive and long, too obscure about some mechanics, so punishing at times that it encourages save scum and cheese… And so on. I think that some abilities weapons and classes now are so weak and unispired that I just never use them. Those would include for example Muttogs, vehicles late game, Mind Control, Rage Burst, overwatch, viral weapons… Other stuff which I used to have a lot of fun with, like the flamethrower, was nerfed too hard. From its OP but is awesome to use, to I dont feel like using it anymore.
So when I see that Nerfing the player is the only or at least main solution proposed by every balance problem in the game. I dont like it because you are making the game worse for me and probably for a lot of people too.
I don’t have any problem with an insane difficulty setting, or having difficulty options that make the game borserline impossible. I have an issue when one some players claim the only valid solution for everyone is nerfing.
The game is not trivial for me, so when people says the priority in balance is to remove tactics that trivialize the game. This is not true for me, i dont use tactics that trivialize the game. And still the nerfs affect the way I play, and the tools I use. Cause they affect everybody not just the people that abuse some mechanics, or abilities or weapons. Also the people who just use them.
Nerf has its place and should be used. But is not the holy grial and it wont solve most of the gmes problems, much less now after so much was nerfed already. And buff should be used as well. Now is the time to buff and redesign underwheelming abilities, not the time to keep nerfing till the ones that remain in the room and playing the game are that first group of players, everyone else vanished.
Fortunately for me, SG seems to be aware of the complexity of the issue (most CC too), and is addressing deeper and more diffficult problems. Unfortunately, in the forums the conversations is still focussed on calls for Nerf, exagerations and black and white discussions.
Yes, balance is hard and is an issue that can only be addressed with nuance.