At this rate it’ll be in EA by the time it comes around to letting people upgrade.
Over 3 months since the last post on this subject.
I imagine a lot of people have been side tracked with the Epic announcement but I for one still want to know what progress is being made for an upgrade option.
Unless something is sorted soon there’ll be no point as the game will not be far off release (hopefully).
I know UnstableVoltage has said look in the FAQ but in the ones I have found there is no mention of an upgrade.
Is this no longer being persued following the Epic deal?
A further update would be appreciated
I believe this is the latest official information about it, posted on Mar 16 (so less than 3 months ago), though “nothing new”, as usual with xsolla…
the latest is that we are still waiting on Xsolla to do their job
Have a feeling this is just never going to happen, we’ve been asking for over a year now…
two years. We’ve been waiting two years now.
The only reason they have now to make it possible should be just to place a checkmark at “promise delivered”… They’ll not get that many pledge-upgrades from old-backers, it’s not good PR (would not be that even if they were not years late), and the few remaining backer will not generate enough “bad-PR” to try to avoid that…
They just don’t have a good reason to make it priority, or to work on it at all…
I got the impression the ball was in Xsolla’s court on the upgrade issue.
But I’d be pissed. Definitely money was lefton the table because Xsolla couldn’t handle a simple upgrade option.
Post an adjustment transaction. Post a credit for the previous purchase against the upgrade option. Obviously that’s just talk, but having developed financial accounting software in the past… it’s not rocket science.
pretty much what you said @Steelviper
If it was directed to me, I wrote my post about Xsolla, and I absolutely agree with you.