I buyed this game second time, now the Ultra Ed. I’ve buyed the game first time at Humble-bundle at 2019.12.03. Played it for max 10-12hrs. Then uninstalled it.
Maybe 1 months later i recognized that the game is not in my library. Epic games cant help because the game was not from them, etc.
Now i rebuyed it , installed, and the game is always crashes. I cannot start the game because the phoenixpointwin64.exe stops.
Uninstalled, and reinstalled for a new drive and folder and the same thing happens. With and without gamesync.
All help will appreciated!
Translate: “the correct function of the program was interrupted because of a mistake. The Windows close the program and will inform you if he finds a solution to the problem”
Strange. I have only slightly better graphics card, and I don’t suppose that Windows or DirectX could be a problem (or maybe?).
Issue looks like it can’t load something. Either it is missing, or can’t find proper functions to work with loaded data, or there is not enough space for it. Or it has some issues with processing the data.
First case should be eliminated with repair game function and all those installed programs.
Second can be some library not working under Windows 8. Devs should tell if Win8 and DirectX 11 are supported. Or if Windows 10 and DX12 are required.
Third, may seem strange, but for me often increasing Page File size to 16 GB helps in such situations.
Fourth option is to decrease overclocked values on CPU and GPU and RAM.
Could you take a look at your “event log” → “applications” and make a screenshot of the error message from phoenix point, don’t forget the details tab.
Also copy&paste this file here (i’m not sure but maybe we will see an error?)
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\LocalLow\Snapshot Games Inc\Phoenix Point\output_log.txt
I will search for the files.
I ve tried something else. Installed the epic launcher and the PP to my wifes notebook.
Lenovo i5 2gb ram 2gb gpu and its works properly. I played the game about 1hrs.
Uninstall epic and game from the notebook, reinstall to my Pc , new drive folder etc.
and now i have the epic error code LS-0013 , verifying etc and not works.
So its a launcher epic problem…