Next patch wishes

  • Explosion blast effect (cosmetic). Add some gore cosmetic after a blast, not just plain dead - yet everything still nicely intact after huge explosion? come on devs :yum:.

worms being shot by the chirons getting stuck under objects so they cant be seen and mission cant end if its a kill everything on map

Yeah, cannon hell, grenades can destroy almost everything to reveal a hidden worm, but not everything like building to defend, and on a mission you could have none.

Oh yer! More voice overs and alien sounds.

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I think some grenades and rockets do a lot of shredding and few damage. Fire does damage on all body part minus the armor. all dmage in apply to the health. 40 per body part when use, 40 next turn and 30 the following becasue the unit is on a fire zone. If you have shred 3 body parts with the grenade, that is 240 minimun at start of the next turn and 180 on the following. It does not take into account the destroyed body part.

I don’t have yet the teck (shredding). But in paper that might be powerfull.

Using acid on ennemies that are not an immediat threat (pretty rare) might be good with fire too.

Can we also get Patrick stewart to do the Symes voice over lol

And the lady who does the voice of Shep in mass effect 1,2,3 I forget her name now but what a voice.

Mostly I like Warhammer world’s, they have a great voice act

Symes is my favourite voice in the game at the moment. The story and faction voicework in this game is excellent I think. Shoutouts to West, Nergal and the Synod too. Very good voices, yes, yes.


Jennifer Hale <3

On the Discord we were talking about the Fort Freiheit mission from BB1. In that mission the Queen shows up and she’s the real threat and the crabs are manageable. Currently, your biggest threat is from heavily armoured mobs and not the bigger monsters. This is a developer’s choice but it really doesn’t make the boss monsters frightening. I wonder if scaling down the armour value on the crabmen and upscaling the HP on the bosses would achieve this.

Also, in the scenarios, the Crab Queens tended to show up during the scenario and not right at the beginning. This is a very appealing element.


My only wish is that we get more: alien tech, more weapon and armor research… Flying suit, blaster luncher, alien granade, flare, prox mine, etc…

At least as option included in the game not as mod:
NoAutoUnpause - mod
Retrievable items - mod

Hire for solder, scientist, etc…

Ultimately, I think you will - there’s clearly more lined up in the DLC.

But Snapshot is not a big development house with massive resources to throw at this project. They also clearly had to draw a line under development and rush this out before Christmas (presumably for contractual reasons), and now they have a mountain of bugs to fix.

XCOM took something like 5 years, 3 versions of the game and 2 mega-mods to give us the kind of diversity of armour, aliens and weapons that we get in LW2 - and that was with Firaxis and Lumpkin behind it. So I wouldn’t expect anything soon.


Next patch wishes

  • Shotgun and melee need a bit differentiate in use for the sake of soldier class.
  • Procedural map generator, would be much great if each battle map have different obstacles (I know it’s complex, just sharing the idea :sweat_smile:).

Auto Rifle also needs a boost. As it stands, having the in-game equivalent of the Kalashnikov or M16 being less effective than a shotgun is ludicrous.

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It’s not just a shotgun, it’s the result of a major scientific breakthrough only possible after performing autopsy on anthropomorphic shellfish.


You have a point, but ARs are still underpowered :wink:

Shoulda called it the ‘Crabbie Cracker’ :lobster:

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Next patch wishes

  • Bring back the grass (cosmetic), perhaps add an option for plantation on and off. I don’t know is it just me or bug because I don’t see any grass at certain map that should have grass there. I tried use ‘Ultra’ detail, still no grass :scream:. Dang these virus made all grass dead! but some trees alive, noottt fairrr :sob:

Edit :

  • Able to take back any havens instead of grey, I want a bit longer to defense and exploring around geoscape instead forcing finish the campaign.
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Balance rage burst and infiltration being op.
Fix bugs.

Re-introduce friendly ai soldiers to the game. (probably too early for this)

For AR I’m thinking that the best solution is to give it armor piercing ammo, as suggest by @SpiteAndMalice in this thread Let's fix... weapons balance! . That would be its edge over other weapons, that it can deal with armored and soft targets.