Never again Epic games

There is always something players can do

Sure. If bug and corto situation persist within 90 days I call for players strike in form of

Uninstalling game from epic and steam until we are all told bugs are fixed
Changing positive reviews to negative
No further funding
Selling Epic and Steam gifrs on kinguin or for free

I herby, will first give away 2 PPs and older studio game I have

On my own I purchased Epic, Steam, twice all DLCs avail on time. I had no cash at time of KS, otherwize would be some VIP supporter.

I like idea of development in Bulgaria, али браћо да се работи како Бог заповеда.

Also, Jullian should tell us about his experience of game playthrough till the end in present form, even no DLCs, AI and evolution.

Since he promoted I bullshit for first time in our parallel timeline and lifetime.