Game become more easier with Danforth

The most detail on your question can be found in that thread I linked. And you can see it in action, in the video.

Without finding the exact posts which detailed it precisely, and going completely off memory, it’s with use of the ability that gives 2 action points per kill, and done in such a fashion (eg with use of dash, to get into the right position), to set off a chain of attacks that effectively eliminates nearly all opposition within a super short time frame. Putting the computer in such a position that it has next to no chance by it’s turn. So like alpha striking, but on a far greater scale.

So if you watch the video, the person eliminates nearly all Pandoran enemies in a very short time frame. Make sense?

So it’s all of those used in combination. I’ve never seen that happen in-game myself. And from what I’ve seen from videos of the final mission (as I’ve yet to reach it), it may even be required there due to the massive amount of enemies present which presents the need for a major revamp of it (in terms of balancing).