Will the game itself benefit from the Epic deal?

In response to a few concerns, I can confirm that the Epic deal definitely helps the game. It helps us get a good quality release without more delays - and it significantly boosts our post-release content. We have at least 3 DLCs planned for the first year of release, and these will also be accompanied by free content updates. We are definitely in it for the long run, and it is a huge undertaking. We are not a tiny, indie company anymore - we have 55 employees who need some sense of security in an industry which is quite unstable and is going through some profound changes. They are a talented bunch, and if they are secure and happy in their work (which comes with a lot of stress and expectations) then this will be reflected in the quality of the game and it’s future updates. The decision to go with Epic was not an easy one, but it was made in the best interests of the game, the company and its employees.