Watch this video that talks about the epic deal

yes it was a scummy move, but i understand it now


Gameranx also made a decent video about why devs are choosing the Epic store.

Seeing this video makes me think Snapshot went way ahead of their financial possibilities in the development of Phoenix Point, @JulianG said several times their vision was growing and more staff was required for it. So there was a risk, even with a successful game, of just loosing money and lay-offs happening. In order to prevent that, well, there was this epic money bin with enough resources to prevent that from happening… There must have been quite a celebration in the office when the deal was announced…

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“Wooo we’re screwing our initial backers by selling them to Epic without notifying them first! Partay!!!”

But in all seriousness I doubt there was a celebration. I believe them when Snapshot says it wasn’t done lightly as I’m sure they knew there would be blowback. Securing their jobs for now is nice but it doesn’t matter much if the fans turn against you and refuse to buy later as this only delays the inevitable. Now only time will tell if angering the fanbase now was worth it in the long run.


This concern would be valid if they would only plan to do Phoenix Point and sequels as TBS. They can also turn to other game genre or completely other IP. But also if PP will be successful then people will get over Epic deal when the game will hit other stores.

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That was a good video.

Nice comments in all possible point of views (I specially liked when he hightlighted that some of the backers on fig are actually investors that could receive money from the deal, I’d forgotten about them)