I’m ashamed. I restarted the game a third time, this one in “easy”.
I can’t continue anymore : enemy forces are so insane…
I’ve beat XCOM, Terror from the deeps, Apocalypse, UFO aftermath, aftershock and afterlight, FiraXcom 1 & 2, Xenonauts and Mutant year zero in normal mode. Yeah, I’m not a “hardc0re IrOnMaN” player, but at least I try to finish the games I love. For Phoenix, I can’t. I really want too, but it’s hard. Hard to fight zillions of seafoods overwhelming your ass in a map the size of a parking (I live in France. Not “your” parkings, guys : a smaller one ) because the game has decided to wipe you.
Today, I renounced to fight and just going to play with broken unbalanced classes in easy mode.
And I think I’ll be upset and will reinstall the game when my GOG (with one year of patches) version will be available.
Or maybe I need to NOT play at wake up
You may already be doing this, Fufuneraire, but if you’re saving and restarting when you have a bad mission - stop doing that. Simply take the loss and move on.
Myself and another player called Pr8Dator make a point of not save scumming or restarting (or at least we do it very rarely) - if the mission gets too tough, we simply evac and log the loss - and so far neither of us have encountered the overloading problems that other players are reporting.
The worst I’ve ever encountered is 5 Sirens in a Lair, which came at me separately one at a time - pretty straightforward to deal with, though not easy by any stretch. Other than that, 2 Sirens & a Scylla is the max I’ve ever encountered (in a Citadel, which simply turned into a turkey shoot for my Snipers).
So, we may simply be lucky, but I believe the dynamic difficulty algorithm is going easy on us because we log a reasonable number of Failures as well as Successes. Try it, and let me know if your experience is any different to your other plays.
I confirm. Playing legend/honestman never had any big problems. I’m on about 50% or 2/3 game.
Yes Mich, I’ll try. But since the game need some patches (I like when I don’t even touch an enemy at close range with an automatic rifle, I like when crabs have a heavy machinesnipergun more precise than a laser rifle, etc.), I don’t have the same enthusiasm than before.
But I appreciate your cheerleading, and maybe I’ll start another game Thx.
Anyway I never saved into a mission, but I restarted several times when things gone too weird : recruiting soldiers is pretty expensive, and defending bases around the world is almost impossible with only 2 teams. I really think that balancing should be done “manually”, and not with some algorithm.
Let’s do crab soup o/
The auto rifle thing is weird. The way the system works, if you have the reticle centred on the target, it’s almost impossible to miss at close range with a burst weapon (single shot weapons can be less reliable as you only get one chance to get the right line).
I think Crabbie accuracy goes up with the difficulty spike. I just had a Sniper miraculously survive an ambush cos a Triton with a sniper rifle missed him 3 times as he was running away.
BTW, I wouldn’t say I’m cheerleading - I can see that there are bugs and balancing issues all over the place. I’m just trying to figure out why I and a few other players seem to have a genuinely easier time of it that most.
There has to be a reason why I’ve only ever encountered 5 Sirens spread across a mission once, while others get swamped by 5 on the same screen all at the same time.
I’m wondering if it’s because when I’m faced with something like that (or when my Lvl 3/4 Squad walked into a Haven to be confronted by a Scylla), I turn around, run away, and log it as a loss; but I don’t keep restarting the mission until I get a combo I can beat.
I had more than few losses logged and than game adapted to that and put me in the situation from which I can’t retreat. My six soldiers where in the center of the map surrounded with lot of enemies (18 I think, sirens, scyla, heavy machinegun crabs…) and retreat zone was far away from starting position. Only option was to retreat soldiers who have dash and to sacrifice others. I choose to fight and lost quickly whole team. That was not some map with high roof but crappy Anu shack village where there was no reason to start in the map center.
Game have seen that I retreated more than few times and saved my team (once with heavy soldier on 2 hp) and decided to rig the map that way so I can’t retreat. I like hard games but not rigged ones.