We agree : Phoenix Point needs more work and time. It’s more the “Backer Build 6”
So they should directly include a “sacrifice” option ! Kill a teammate to the gods and lower the difficulty level ! ÏA ! ÏA ! \o/
Yeah agreed.
One more thing. When they dump that amount of Pandorians onto a map, that map needs to be at the very least, twice the size to be anywhere near tactically workable. Dumping a shed-load of Pandorians onto a map the size of a postage stamp is never ever going to work.
Haha ! This morning, I started with SO MUCH CRAB PEOPLE on my kindergarden map, a siren was something like 5 tiles from my squad.
One day, we’ll have this kind of siruation :
I know what your saying.
I had my first mission to the catacombs. On landing I didn’t even get a chance to get my squad in place. On the Pandorian move the narrow passage became jammed packed with enemy. I just had to sit there and get slaughtered as the first Pandorians in line were Sirens.
Totally ridiculously stupid. At the point were I left the game it was unplayable, unbelievably so.
Like @Pr8Dator, I play ‘HonestMan’ - essentially IronMan with backup saves for when the game crashes. And I too have yet to encounter the swarms other people are encountering.
I’m starting to think that the dynamc balancing mechanic is doing things wrong - instead of spawning more Pandas vs players who are doing too well, it should be evolving smaller numbers of Pandas to deal with the Squaddies’ ‘broken’ abilities. I made some suggestions in my own feedback thread, so I won’t repeat them here.
Like the OP, I am really enjoying the game, but feel it still needs a ton of work. I get the feeling that they released it around a year early, either because they had contractual obligations to Epic or simply felt that they couldn’t afford to delay any longer.
Oh boy, I was enjoying the game. In fact I would go so far as to say it’s the best I have ever played of it’s type. It’s just broken middle to late game and is basically programmed to wipe the player out.
When the balance and all these issues are fixed, you try getting me off the game. When it works its 500% high octane addictiveness.
Maybe when playing ironman the game is more carful at what it throws at you to avoid a uproar in the community. For the rest of us not playing ironman they have thought we can always save scum.
I believe it fires 60 rounds.
hahahah HONESTMAN!!! I learned a new term today! Indeed, I think the Pans should actually evolve AGAINST our tactics in order to stop us from using one single broken tactic all the time. For example, if I use a lot of fire, pans should evolve to become fire resistant, if I do a lot of sniping, Pans should evolve to become stealthier so they cannot be detected at long ranges, if I use a lot of psychic power, pan should evolve to become more psychic resitant. At the very least, a simple way is to make the Pans more resistant to the player’s primary form of damage over time: more armor against psyhical damage, fire resistance against fire, blast padding against explosives etc.
Well, thats their anti save scum technology. If you wanna play this game honestly, you need to build and maintain a stable team of about 20 soldiers at all times with training facilities running around the clock. Attrition is the name of the x-com games Julian Gallop created. Wiping out the player is the fun. If you played x-com before you will know squad wipes are inevitable and not losing a single soldier in any tactical mission is unnatural and suggests that you have been cheating hard. Play the game the way its designed to be and you will start having fun again.
Hm… Just “resistant” is not a solution. In the actual way, they’ll become immune
But we don’t have real damage upgrade, we need to think and planify on several turns with actual gear (I don’t speak about broken exploits like “assaultsniper rageburst berserker inifinite kill with mayonnaise”) like virus, poison, acid and whatever else. Even if New Jericho’s stuff tries a less subtle approach. And it’s good for me, because I like to planify my strategy (I’m a Wakfu player, so…).
Crab People evolves to MOAR ARMOR and MOAR DAMAGES most of time. It’s cool because they are more dangerous and we need to mind more on how we approach them. But it may be cooler if instead of getting munchkins, they could evolve in the purpice of break our strats. Like all of you are saying in this topic.
But juste “resistance” is not really a good choice when at the end, the Pandies will resist EVERYTHING. Larger shields or selective body armors (with a LIMIT, plz) could be an option. Like someone said, eventually using CC to counter our recurrent tactics, like splash goo to avoid close combat. But if they can zerg, we should be able to counter it. 'Cause we are players and we’re supposed to adapt too
Different stokes.
I don’t want to find exploits to defeat the exploits. I want to follow the storyline and evolve according to my own discretion without it rendering the game impossible. Leaving one hole trough to the ending will not wash.
I play “Bronzeman”, that means I might restart a mission if it goes bad.
But honestly I see no balance or anti save scum mechanic as a feature when it means that suddenly explosive Chirons wipe out my troops in a single attack from the other side of the world.
That just kills the fun for me.
J, can I ask, do you save & restart a lot? I’m genuinely interested in this, so don’t feel I’m having a go at you. From what I can tell, @Pr8Dator and I play differently to most players on this forum. We take our losses, however bad they may be, rebuild and move on, and the game appears to reward us by not spamming us with impossible numbers of enemies.
But I am aware that I am only 40 hours into my first full playthrough, so I may be mistaken. If you play HoestMan too, but still hit a difficulty spike x hours in, our analysis of what is going on may be flawed. Hence my genuinely interested question.
Save scumming I use very rarely and think it part of the game to lose a couple of soldiers to a hard mission. So it’s not that I’m a complete wimp. I would love to know what triggers these ridiculous missions. I hope they are not as intended.
You get your initial move and then you are darn lucky if you get a second before your entire squad is dead.
Wasn’t calling you a wimp
It’s strange that it seems to happen to some people and not others. I’ve asked UV if the devs can clarify on another thread, so we shall see…
For a moment there I thought you meant like this
I’m starting to realise what people mean about that difficulty spike though. (I only turned my back for a moment).
That’s food for a heart attack.