Savegames are gone, need to rollback (Gamepass)

Hi, have been playing for over 5 months, a 100-hour game in Windows, with Gamepass and now my savegames are gone. Game updated automatically. Can I rollback?

Gamepass has no capacity to roll back versions, its a feature that does not exist on the MS Store

I am not aware that Epic can rollback too, so time to start fresh ā€¦

Unfortunately not. Only Epic allowed to disable auto-update and preserve current playthrough.

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The only means of rolling back is if one has a backup of the previous build. Or, if someone is willing to share their older build. I am pretty sure that the Epic version is not DRM protected.

Yes that could be done. Maybe someone holds backup of the game. I stopped doing so after release in Dec 2019.

EDIT. Lol actually I have copy because I havenā€™t updated to Polaris yet.

Epic ā€˜kinda sortaā€™ does but i functionally require you to have a separate ā€˜gameā€™ entry in your library.

Its not really like the Steam model where you can select a specific beta channel from potentially dozens of them.

Iā€™m seeing it mostly for games that hvae an experimental type of build that they want people to test on, and a mainline build for everyone else. I guess they could somehow provide a ā€˜1.8ā€™ version of the game maybe call it like Phoenix Point Classic or something.

On the GamePass thing though? They definitely do not have anything at all.


Please I hope anyone or Snapshot games to make 1.8 available because I had a 100 hour game and it took me about 5 months. I canā€™t play it over again. I was 10 hours away from finishing the Yugotthian Receptacle tech that Iā€™m almost sure was the end of the game. Plus Synedrion was completing a Moon Project building in one heaven. This is terrible what they have done

If someone can share through PM/DM if allowed by this site Iā€™m grateful

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For GamePass thereā€™s not really any solution. Even if the developers wanted to do this, MS has no functional solution in place for it.

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Ok, anyway Iā€™ve granted myself access to WindowsApp folder to retrieve my old savegames (as Iā€™ve done with other games) and they are not there. Itā€™s not only that they are incompatible, but they straightforwardly deleted them. This is criminal.

GamePass save games arent stored there Cloud saves for Game Pass are stored under


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Thanks for the info, I wish Iā€™d seen it earlier. Anyway, Iā€™ve been looking for them desperately the last 30 minutes and I found them in a folder named WpSystem where the container from the folder you indicated seems to be stored.

The problem is that they seem to be locked. Tomorrow Iā€™ll enquiry further into this.

Iā€™m leaving a screenshot in case others are looking for this location

Ok, these encrypted savegames seem to be working on a 1.8 version I managed to get. I hope I can end my campaign now. Thanks everybody for the help, if anyone wants info about what I did just send me a PM if thatā€™s ok with this forumā€™s rules. I certainly canā€™t share it here.


Glad someone backed up 1.8 and problem is resolved. Happy campaigning!

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