The problem right now is that it indeed resets the timer after every mission.
I thought mine was stuck at 3 days but I was doing missions constantly, when I didn’t do any missions for 24 hours it went to two days as soon as I completed a mission it went back to 3 days again, what a tease! Hotfix anyone?
Do you know where and which recruits will show up in havens? No. But definitely there is some algorithm for that. You need to plan having in mind some uncertainty. Be grateful that there is additional mechanic for recruitment (for me it is unwelcomed change, breaking immersion for me, but I must live with that) and don’t demand more because it doesn’t fulfill all your needs.
About bug resetting timer - that is unfortunate for the devs. Probably there will show up some hotfix within a week or two to change that. For sure it is not game breaking issue.
You should be rewarded for completing as many missions as possible, a key element of the game is to explore and protect havens, to purposely go three days to utilise this new feature is counter productive. You seem quite salty about the introduction of this feature, I for one was looking forward to it. Try to be less emotional, it’s quite simple really the mechanics of it just need to be fixed as it is not working correctly, I’m sure the Devs will hotfix it as soon as they can.
Well, I never needed more soldiers than recruits in havens, I don’t post here for me, I played enough hours to adjust my game style for any change coming in updates, but other players want to know how works that mechanism
This is a bug report section. The issue at hand is either a result of a bug or because it is not explained and visualized properly in-game. Either way, your opinion about whether or not that feature is to your liking is irrelevant.
I’m talking about knowing exact mechanism of generating number of recruits, not about the bug. This is kind off the topic, but it touches the same feature. Maybe my opinion is irrelevant, but forum is about sharing opinions, so get over it.
I can confirm that what’s happening is that if you go into tactical combat, the timer gets reset - that’s the bug.
If you don’t go on any missions for 3 days, the Personel tab in the Geoscape will flash and if you go there, in the Recruits tab you will have the option to recruit 1 or more soldiers (once I had 2 recruits to choose from, and another time only one - I have not had 0 recruits yet). You can recruit as many of them as you want until the next batch arrives.
I’m sure this is going to get fixed very soon, but in the meantime, if you need recruits, wait 3 days without going on any missions…
Or going to havens, I did that
It’s not (or not just) starting a tactical battle. If I reload a save, any save, the timer is at 3 days when the game loads up.
Okay, so that’s further evidence that this is indeed a bug and not “working as intended” with just a bad UI representation
Okay, I admit it, I’m blind. I can’t find the timer.
There is no timer as such, except: When you click Personnel> then at the top you will see a (new) tab saying recruits. Click on that and a box pops up.
A Voland says, this is a bug. The devs are aware of it and are working on a fix.
Seems to me that those recruits are progressing very fast with a single Training Facility. They are already at level 4-5 after few days without doing any missions. My other team who are doing all missions are at the same level…
Level may be the same but they have less Skill Points.
Thanks for the explanation
Now I know why I haven’t seen it. I still have the original recruits from the first 3. I recruited 1 and weeks later it is still the same old 2 guys I didn’t want. Just hanging around to keep better options from arriving.
Hi guys!
Yes, it is a bug. We will fix it in a hotfix. Probably this Thursday.
I did not read the whole thread but in case this was not mentioned yet: If you do not do any mission for 3 days the recruits will appear. Since then they change every 3 days even when doing missions.
No, they don’t. Or only loading saved game bring count back to 3 days.