Please set up a block button

I’m not sure which one you’re talking about, but I probably did get pretty toxic. It really pissed me off having ~6 people jump all over me, crapping all over my thread, and telling me how stupid I am for using the most commonly accepted definition of a word. Oh and let’s not forget the wonderful human beings showing up to tell me I need therapy for being annoyed about it all. I get it. You guys don’t like new people. You feel threatened. And, you want to make sure the new guy knows that he’s at the bottom of the pecking order.

So, you’re welcome! You guys worked hard for it!:grin::clap:t5:

And mute #2. I just wish the function actually worked.

Do you feel like you’ve put me in my place yet?:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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you speak and anwer to yourself?

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Why not? :wink:


If you put it that way… After all, maybe it is good way to make a conversation.

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While I do agree that OP may be a bit… touchy, I think making fun of him in his own thread prooves his point. :stuck_out_tongue:


Gents, please stop taunting the poor guy.

Until now, I didn’t think he had a point - he was just getting unreasonably upset with people answering his posts with a different point of view and flying off the handle when they disagreed with him.

But now this is bordering on mockery, and we’re better than that.

He clearly has issues, but please respect his privacy and leave him alone.


Well until now I was polite and tried to put some reason into the conversation, while being named troll. So why can’t I troll a little bit, if there is such demand? But well, Mike you are right again. It is not worth the time. Sorry.

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Being a troll myself I think I can recognize a troll when I see one. :yum:
From my point of view what we have here is mutual mockery where both side are enjoying the situation and nobody gets hurt :grin:
However I do agree that the joke is getting old and maybe we better go back to discussing Phoenix Point instead.

Sigh. Telling people not to taunt me, and then saying “He clearly has issues” is sending some mixed messages. That’s pretty much saying ‘you guys stop mocking him, but I’m still going to’. But hey, thanks for sort of helping…ish.

Listen mate, you overreacted.

You went wildly off the handle when all people were doing was presenting their own pov which disagreed with yours - and then to be perfectly frank with you, you got abusively personal when they tried to defend themselves.

So tbh I have absolutely no sympathy with your position - you brought it upon yourself with your massively out of proportion reaction to what was a simple difference of opinion (and in all honesty, I didn’t agree with your original OP that took umbrage with the word ‘exploit’ either).

So don’t go away from this thinking you’re in the right - you’re not. But I have no truck with people mocking others, even if they invited the mockery in the first place.

Despite what you believe, this forum is actually a much less toxic place than any other forum I’ve had the misfortune to be on - it’s certainly less toxic than Steam. But if you come into it with an antagonistic attitude, don’t be surprised if people push back.

And I’m sure you’re going to respond to this either by accusing me of trolling you or by abusing me, so don’t be surprised if I just ignore you from now on.


How does it not occur to you that saying that I am “over-reacting” is YOU piling on too?

So, you “have no truck with people mocking others”, but you are OK doing it yourself. Got it.

Please do. Your “help” was worse than useless.

And how does it not occur to you that if 100% of the people responding to you are telling you that you are overreacting, they could be right and you might need to think about how you are behaving?

And with that I really will try very hard not to get dragged into this pointless circular argument any more.

That’s how bullying usually works dude. A group of people singles out and picks on one person (exactly like you guys are doing here).

It is an inexcusably stupid lack of empathy for people to come on here and tell me how I need therapy and how oversensitive I am being, for getting annoyed that this group of people ganged up on me and attacked me.

You assume that everyone agrees with you. But, look at how I was treated. How many people do you think would open themselves up to being targeted along with me like that, even if they agreed with me? Does it not occur to you that people might look at things like that, and be scared to join the community, or scared to speak up if they did? Worried that they might be ganged up on like that if they said the wrong thing, or failed to go along with the group. You think this place is better than Steam because they are shooting at YOU less. So, far this place has been one of the nastiest viper pits I’ve ever seen. There are a few good people that have had decent conversations with me after they stopped taking pot shots. But, most have just been vicious little bullies going along with the crowd to pick on the new kid. With a few having enough theory of mind to realize it’s happening.

Try putting yourself in my shoes for a second. Imagine you are the one being attacked by everyone in this old boys’ club. See if you still think that everyone is ‘enjoying the situation’ and ‘nobody is getting hurt’. I doubt you’ll be able to, because then you’d have to stop doing what you are doing, and might even need to feel guilty about it. And it’s way easier to just call me oversensitive and continue trolling. Conveniently giving you what you want (more bullying), while absolving you of blame.

For those of you that can be reached, I’d like to hang a lantern on the fact that this thread shows what a serious problem the community has here. I started the thread with the assertion that we need a block button, because there are trolls harassing people. So, of course this has led to a horde of trolls invading THIS THREAD to harass me about it.

You surely are good at what you do, bro :relieved:
I take off my hat to you! :+1:

Maybe ive missed it somewhere but I dont see anyone attacking or trolling you?

You don’t mean to say Kaltorack is chasing ghosts and overreacting?
Because if you do, you lack sympathy and are no better than his other attackers. And generally have to be ashamed of yourself, you monster! :crazy_face:

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