I've tried.. I really have but now its time to ask for a refund

Completely and utterly wrong (with the one big exception of the Soviets in WW2, though even they actually planned to push on to Paris after taking Berlin, but were stopped by America demo’ing the Bomb). Here’s my reply to a similar sentiment on another thread:

But actually my current take on this is much simpler and based on the game itself. As the ODI ticks up, we are treated to a continuous stream of ‘Bad Dream’ stories that gradually escalate into people attacking their companions. We also encounter this when we first meet New Jericho in the NJ intro mission. Regardless of human nature, as illustrated by our bloody history detailed above, the Pandoravirus is making the factions attack one another! It’s all part of its insidious plan to wipe out humanity.

It would be nice if this was spelled out more clearly in the ODI texts, but it seems consistent with the game lore (until I get to the end of my first playthrough and discover some spoiler I’m currently not aware of).

And talking of spoilers:

The thing that disappoints me is that, having chosen to go down this route, PP doesn’t follow it through. I ignored the Faction War in this first playthrough of mine (I had more important things to spend my precious squaddies on) - and the war simply petered out. WTF?!?? If you’re gonna do this, Snapshot, either turn it into another timing mechanism where the Factions are literally driven to murder one another by the Pandoravirus, and we have to get to the endgame before it happens, OR have some public declaration of peace when they fight themselves to a standstill. Don’t just have it peter out, because that just makes it feel irrelevant, regardless of how humanly accurate it might be.