Impressions about Festering Skies

And you keep twisting my words and pretending I said something I didnt. I did not acuse you of lying, I accused you or being unable or unwilling to have an honest discussion, which you admited yourself.

No I dont have any problem, thank you very much. As I said twice to you already, you do not need to respond to me if you dont want, but I can respond to you if I want. And I will every time you make a comment about me.

See. You need to get a help. I hope you get it before to late. You can’t see what you are doing. I hope you are not so alone at rl with this problem, if so the help could arrive late maybe never.

Thank you very much for caring about my health. Im perfectly fine, thank you for your concern. Or better dont, because I dont think your concerns are honest either. :wink:

Yeah, that perfect word shows how serious the problem is. I am honest, you know that. I can be stubborn, one sided maybe annoying yes, but I am always honest and as I experienced that kind of problems before, I know when I see the problem.

So, even you think you are perfect, just get an opinion of a doctor to be sure. I can be wrong maybe but still it’s dangerous to ignore.

with this I agree.

Know it or not, your arguments arent. Which is the point.

If you mean psychologist, I can happily inform you that I actually have a degree on that, apart form a Phd in computer science. I think I can handle. Thank you.

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I will quit communicating to you after this answer and you are free to keep repeating its great product and la la la.

Only way to enhance it is criticism of its weaknesses, like in real life.
Work on your weaknesses.

Whatever was promised, it doesnt live up to it.

On degree sector I am Ph D in social work

If you dont know what was promissed I doubt you could tell if it lives up to it or not.

There is nothing wrong to think it doesnt, the same way there is nothing wrong to think it does. The point of a discussion is to listen to the point of view of people that does not share your opinions and to their reasons to think so. If you are not willing to, it is your call, but hardly my loss.

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How can we that it’s a fact? You can lie or worse maybe you created a persona to hide some traumas.
This claim of yours, how do you say that?, useless and pointless without any proof.

There are few people here who thinks your facts are not so “fact” or they are just opinions too… So they are wrong like me too?

So… you are not sick. As you say… but can you prove that? I atleast accept who am I, but you are not accepting anything.

You got serious trust issues, it’s clearly noticeable.

My observation over this discussion. Sure, some of opinions are claims, and one may think that are baseless, but it doesn’t make them invalid, false or impossible. Not having a proof of “quality is bad” doesn’t automagicaly make oposite statement true. If @drages, as a former CC got the impression that his and others opinions are ignored he has better base for claim than yours for claiming they are not.

Until you find a reliable way of measuring the quality and put PP to such test, every statement about quality is a subjective claim, regardless if it is positive or negative, and is equaly valid.

Oh, do you think you are entitled to ask me for my CV. Good for you, I pass, Im not looking for a job. Thank you for your interest.

I dont need to, the person that makes the claim is the one who needs to support it. And if your claim is about somebody elses, that someone has the prerogative to say he does not give AF to what you want you say. Thank you for your concern, but also not thanks.

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Those two people, I totally don’t know, got the same ideas about your claimed facts are not facts as they are opinions.

We are discussing about a game and we think it’s good or bad. AND you come and tell us that the game is good and it’s a fact and what we think are just opinions and again, as they are opinions they are wrong against your facts. So at least 3 people is lying here from your point of view.

You are asking proofs from me and without any proof you accuse me with telling lies.
And when I ask you same thing, you are just running from it.
Yes of course you won’t accept this as you got some problems clearly.
Internet got many different kind of people and this covid did not make it any better.
I hope you get better.

When someones makes a claim about the general quality of the game game, sure. I dont care. When the claim is “SG hears others”, “sg does not like what veterans feel or wants”, or anything implying they robbed their Backers then I care, because the claim is based on pointless assuptions of what is in the mind of the devs and pollutes the discussion.

Also when the claims are specific inacurate claims about a promise that has been broken, then I also care. And yes, a subjective opinion is an invalid reason to support a factual claim. So I it is more than fair to point that an argument is invalid. That is how reason works.

In the same way, I can say an argument based on popularity is a fallacy and is an ivalid way to argue.

I can and I will also say when you attack me instead of attacking my arguments that you are making an ad-hominem attack which is another fallacy, and another invalid way to argue.

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Another fact your mind created. You became good with the words as your trauma needs to feed on them to save your mind to lose it. It’s a defensive mechanism and as you got a Ph D about it, you know that well. Don’t you?

DO you feel some sparks in your brain?

Well, I been there since KS to now.

See dates we registered on this site and scores.

I can even give you my Steam and epic in game hours plus BB use that I cant prove.

So who know what?



You attacked me when you told me a liar, sir. Yeah you did not use that word, like I did not use “sick” for you too… :wink:

Serioulsy dont you get tired? Do you think you are in youtube bullying some kinds, I dont give AF to anything you want to say about me. If you are unable to argue about the arguments, you are only expossing how weak your reasons are.

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I take it as a “yes”…

You dont need to call me sir.

So I did not call you a liar.

Oh yes, it is called neural synapsys and is the way neurons transmit information, using electrical and chemical signals. You dont have that?

Pfff… but just be honest with yourself.

Baseless claim : lie … you tell me that all I say is not true. So it’s lying… come on… I just can’t take it when someone is dishonest. This makes me angry.