Impressions about Festering Skies

:rofl: Have learned quite well to never trust Snapshot Games in anything they say. Safer bet to assume the exact opposite. It’s like the Trump of game designers. * shuddering at that thought *


I argued several times that I also think that the alien evolution is not as deep as shoulf have been. So you have one feature that was not delivered exactly as initially planned. And that is all you clan say to support your statement. That is not enough to even start to think about dishonesty from the part of the devs.

Expectations is not the same thing as promise. One is objective the other is subjective. The fact that you are using subjective reasons to support an objective claim, simply shows that your argument is not an objective one and by definition is only an opinion. Which you are entitled to, but it is completely irrelevant.

You did not go to the restaurant and did not order anything. A Kickstarter campaign is not a contract, and the plans the devs show to make the game are only that, intentions. That is what you sign for when you fund a Kickstarter, to try to help the devs to realize their vision. The only thing they actually are obligated to do for you is to try.

If you want to claim dishonesty from their side. Support your statement.

Yes making assumptions on the state of mind of others is helpful…

Yes, also helpful.

Many feelings and not enough arguments. I guess that is what one can expect of fans. Either unconditional love or unconditional hate. Who needs actual reasons or nuance?

Its not a feature, its CORE FEATURE.

Also we agree AI is quite dumb.

OK, developers agree they have leveled it up recently. Is my wording better and clearer?

It actually is - we pay for them to deliver. And we pay UPFRONT.
It might fail, we might never see the money. It can be RIPOFF.

I love Corto, but I can tell you - you are the FANBOY here defending undefendable.

Because you say so? It is actually a small part of the game. You disagree? ok. Still irrelvant.

I only defend reason. You want to state something else about me? or about what you claim that I think? Because those are the same arguments you were using, and they did still not magically turn themselves into valid ones.

Again, no you pay them to try. They have no obligation to deliver anything

When a project is successfully funded, the creator is responsible for completing the project and fulfilling each reward to the best of their abilities.

Kickstarter is not a store. When you back a project, you’re supporting a creator’s right to try to make something new

There’s always a chance something could happen that prevents the creator from being able to finish the project as promised.

You are funding a project that has its risks. And not a single project goes 100% according to plan. To expect otherwise is not reasonable.

So you actually dont know, so what is the point pretending you do?

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From this conversation (and the declining numbers one) it sounds like @rasvoja and @drages just want others to validate their wholly negative opinion of PP. There is no exchange of views - either you’re a fanboy or PP is a broken game and a ripoff.

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That’s not even what I’m talking about. The point with the food analogy was not the order, it was merely the product. Promises or none, I know what I’m interacting with. I can remove a blindfold and know what’s before me. That’s perhaps only because I’ve tested many dishes before.

The only support for my statement would be the number of balance issues, bugs and exploits, ui/sound and generally half-baked content which is aplenty (but namely diplomacy - how I can steal a faction’s aircraft and slaughter their people, and they’re giving me a gift the next - all of their missions are “kill one another”).

Because people without polarised opinion rarely speak about taste.

I, personaly, am dissapointed with PP and in my opinion it was overhyped and overmarketed to what was actually delivered. I can’t agree wirh @oSiyeza as his line of argumentation feels very… lawyerish. Sure, they have delivered, more-less, features they have promissed. Yet the quality of these features is far from material quality worth promissing in a first place. It isn’t enough to call them liars, but I can’t say I wasn’t misled. It is all about personal opinion in that matter so such arguments are perfectly valid for me. I can’t dismiss them like oSiyeza does.

There is a distance from it is bad to I dont like it. If you think that is lawyerish, it is not. This is using the right words to express your concerns. Instead of exagerating, claiming your opinions are facts, or saying the devs missused your money (which is fraud) instead the actual claim you should be making: that you are not satisfied with the quality of the product (which does not imply even missconduct).

Those are important differences, precisely the differences that separate an honest discussion from noise.

But you understand that the only thing you are now saying is. I dont like it, which is fair, and you are more than welcome to discuss your reasons, as long as you are fair about the actual issue.

Languaje should be used to communicate, not to exagerate or missrepresent.

I think a lot depends on how strongly you felt about different aspects of the original Fig pitch. For those who felt very strongly anti-Epic, no amount of reasoning based on commercial fundamentals would absolve Snapshot of the cardinal sin of going Epic-exclusive. For others in was Linux support. It’s generally agreed that PP was very ambitiously set and not everything worked out as planned. Having relatively poor implementation of the base building and defence doesn’t take away my enjoyment of the free aim mechanic or narrative events. I’m disappointed that the initial idea of evolution in response to player action didn’t make it through to the final cut, but I’m prepared to accept the devs’ explanation that they tried to implement it, but it just wasn’t fun.

Let me correct you. I don’t ask anyone to think like I do.
I do not care. I don’t discuss anything here. I already got my vision, ideas and opinion. You got them too.

I am not negative jsut for the sake of it. Game quality is poor and I am not happy with it. As they passed two big dlc and many patches, I don’t see any hope too. This is what I think and I am not alone.

There could be other people with a lower trashhold about quality or they expect less and it’s enough for them. Good for them.

Can you see the difference between being negative or not happy with a bad content?

To the epic exclisive I would just say that, given the budget of the game. As I pointed somewhere that 700K$ would not pay even the salaries of the team for the developement time the game had. It was a necesary step to deliver a better product that would represent what they wanted to make.

And by the way, they are kind of required by kickstart terms of service to look for additional funds to deliver the product in order to add all the features expected by the Backers. So they probably did not even have much of a choice.

They must make every reasonable effort to find another way of bringing the project to a satisfying conclusion for their backers. For more information, see Section 4 of our Terms of Use.

So I would say, you cant fault SG for actually trying their best to make the best product posible for the players and for the Backers if they needed more funds.

The second part is fair, the first is an opinion stated as fact, and is not.

But you are. Unless you are actually just shouting your opinion to others and not caring to even listen to anyone elses point of view. Which is what you actually should not do. If you come to a discussion not willing to discuss then you may be in the wrong place.

Sry but I don’t care your imaginary facts and I won’t ask you where I should be. You are undiscussable as much as me. So I don’t understand why you think I am so wrong. You are doing exactly same thing. I am just honest what I am doing. You could try to do same.
But I don’t care that too.

If that’s the case, what’s the point of posting here? Having had access to the community council, you had a better opportunity than most of us to deliver your displeasure with the state of the game directly to source - the developers. You’re not interested in others’ point of view and not interested in changing your own. That’s what I meant by negativity - venting unhappiness without any expectation of anything being done about it. Cathartic for you, maybe, but a drag for others to read.


You may be honest about what you are doing, you are not honest about what I am doing. If you think you know what my motivations or intentions are, you dont. So I would abstain myself to assume whats in the mind of others.

Also if you dont care about the opinions or reasons of others, then you have no way of separating imaginary facts from actual facts that disagree with you. You may want to think about the problems of such attitude.

Sadly, it’s the opposite. SG hears others more. So just few cc people which are veterans of tbs and xcom games are not who sg cares as I said before this game done for casuals, so sg does not like what veterans feel or wants. %95 ideas of cc ignored about lota and fs. For that reason, I left the discord.

Just you are not in a place to judge what I am doing or what I should do. So with respect, I ask to stop judging.

That is very lawyerish, because wording and way of expressing disapointment over quality somehow makes argument about quality less valid. If ignoring the substance or dismissing someones opinion because it is exagerated to highlight the point isn’t lawyerish I don’t know what is. But that is my opinion.

I think I said something about how useless is to make baseles claims and to make up facts or state opiniopns as facts, dint I?

SG hears others more - Baseless claim.
So just few cc people which are veterans of tbs and xcom games are not who sg cares - baseless claim.
This game done for casuals - baseless claim.
so sg does not like what veterans feel or wants - baseless claim.
%95 ideas of cc ignored about lota and fs - baseless claim.

“That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

What is your problem?

You tell what I say as a lie and when you say something, it’s a fact? This is pure madness.

Do you have some problems? I ignore you from now on.

No, do you even read what I said?. I said opinions are not facts, you do nothing but state opinions as if they are facts, which they are not. So your claims are useles, because all they are is pointless assertions.

If you make a claim, should at least use some valid reasons to support it. Just to say something does not make it true.

You got some serious problems sir. Sry but I don’t have time to lose with someone like you. Telling people liar and thinking that you know the truth. It’s bad.