Look at the direction wounded triton goes.
Place cursor at every square near that direction.
When you find inaccessible square with no obstacles, that’s where our prey is, lol.
Then you go point blank and the triton is revealed.
I think it’s obvious blunder. Must be fixed…
December 28, 2019, 2:25pm
No, it shouldn’t, it gives you at least a chance to deal with them without getting shot
If you have assault soldier nearly, you can activate dash and see squares without dots on it. Aaand there he is. (Also may be used, when enemies hidden behind the wall)
December 28, 2019, 5:45pm
Warcry reveal the location as well.
December 29, 2019, 12:34am
It should be fixed. Why bad UI should help player in not intended way?
These are all cheesy solutions, but IRL there are things called “thermal viewers” that would have the same effect.
…drones, smoke grenades, claymores / sensor grenades, aircraft artillery support etc.
December 29, 2019, 11:45am
Assuming the Pandorans are warm blooded.
There’s also Synedrion motion detection devices. Invaluable really
I often just snipe at the “ping” lol
Actually, if the visual camouflage works in the infrared spectrum (possibly others as well), thermal vision would be fairly useless too