Hotfix 1.0.54748 - December 18, 2019

My latest mission, a PP base defense, I set fire to the entire corridor leading into the base and all the aliens voluntarily ran into the fire and died. I almost never had to shoot my guns… so much for AI…

Thanks for the hotfix devs.

Sounds like fun though. I like a game were the unusual happens. They panicked and ran into the fire. :slight_smile:

They voluntarily ran into the fire without panicking hahaha. So funny to see limps drop as they waddle through the fire. Then I do a War Cry behind walls so that they cannot walk back out muahahahaha

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It’s story’s like this that have me wanting to play more.

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They did it earlier. Maybe you have changed game difficulty? I play on normal (or how second from up was called) and enemies there were fleeing battle when their weapons were destroyed, and many of them used overwatch if they didn’t knew exactly where are my soldiers.

I haven’t noticed this one then, sorry.

Yes it was like that even in earlier Backers Builds. Game would need to remember your starting position and primary target of movement to actively let you move there again and not loose any AP fraction. Otherwise it is not achievable with spotting mechanic. And I would still prefer to spot enemies and loose that fraction of AP rather than moving and spotting without stopping. There could be also an option someone mentioned that when you will press ctrl or shift while giving move order then soldier won’t stop even if spotting an enemy.

I was doing some gameplay testing the other day and found that I could get the game to lock up the turn just like the mindfragger overwatch issue (or was it only when their head was disabled?).

The situation was when I had my guys on overwatch and they killed the last soldier in the first Jericho mission, what should happen is the game should just go mission complete but instead it locked up the turn and could not pass. The enemy soldier was the last unit. It was not possible to press esc or even use console commands to force mission end.

Another time I had a lock up when I was returned fire on by a crab on a normal resource gather mission, it failed to continue the turn, same result as before.

I dont know if this been reported. I had Living Weapon DLC options after first hot fix, but it disappeared after second hot fix is applied. what happened?

Which version of the game did you purchase?

luxury digital edition, purchased 09/15/2018 via xsolla.

it was absent first download. appeared after first patch hot fix. then updated second patch, I started new game (and a few more), noticed living weapon DLC is no longer showing at main screen.

did you start the new game while playing the game via the Epic Game Store, or via the folder containing the game?

um via folder. So I goofed?

yeah. Because of the way it is coded, it only shows up when starting a new game via the EGS. You can start the game via the EGS, save, move the save to the folder’s save location and play it there and still have the DLC though

. not know it is separated that way. Thanks for the info. How do i find EGS save file? and where is folder save file?

on windows
[username]\AppData\LocalLow\Snapshot Games Inc\Phoenix Point\EGS

The alphanumeric gibberish folder is the EGS save location. LocalData is the folder save location

The AI have done all of the things you mentioned since the release build, not really noticed many enemy just suicide rush my units like they used to in the later backer builds since the game actually released. Some will charge your units still, but always only the ones with actual means of protecting themselves (like a deployable shield, or a lot of natural armour).

Typically I’ve noted since release Pandorans will retreat off the map once a specific number of them have been killed and if they themselves are injured. If you destroy something like a mutated shield arm off a Arthron they’ll also change tactics, often opting to turn off their previous charge and try to get as much distance from your units and themselves as possible, that is unless they figure they’re within claw or ranged attack distance of one of your guys, in which they’ll charge in for the claw attack, or perform a their ranged attack then move off a little to somewhere it figures is safer.

Also certain units that favour range will make a point of maintaining that distance if you have more than one of your units engaged with them. For example a Chiron might gladly launch objects at a sole assault you might have engaged up close to them. But the minute I bring more units to engage it, it will tend to favour moving away as far as possible, sometimes even opting to not perform any attack at all in order to get more distance.

Though it’s not perfect behaviour and often times especially in the cases of Arthrons and Tritons they’ll act based on WHO they want to focus on, not necessarily everyone else around them, so they might decide to favour pushing a ranged attack on one of your units that is exposed even though it will leave them open to be moved on by another of your units next turn.

But yeah, not had the constantly suicidal Pandorans since the backer builds. They’ve had this more varied behaviour since release.

All I can say is the pandorians do fight differently now, to how they did for ME before patching. As Yokes points out, I must have been playing at a lower/higher difficulty level or, for some, as yet unknown reason. All that matters is that I like the way they play now. The tactical scraps are a joy to behold.

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Unfortunately since the patch I am getting freezes every two missions. It’s making it unplayable as I need to crash out of the game and lose all progress.
The freezes happen in battle and can be either on phoenix or alien turn.
Unfortunately Game Breaking for now. Cannot play until patched. Disappointed as a premium backer.

Did you verify game files after update? It often helps. After each update that happens i run verification 2 times and then I copy mods to game folder. I haven’t encounter any problems yet.

Just got stuck (never ending enemy turn) after my heavy killed the pandoran with reaction fire. Shouldn’t this be already fixed in prev. patch ?