If a Haven is under attack, I think that there should be a random chance that soldiers will be present attacking Pandoran forces. It doesn’t make sense where you raid a Haven and it has soldiers, but when a Haven is under attack from Pandorans, there are no soldiers to defend the Haven. I think it would be better if you add that because it would make more sense and add more Pandorans if you have to.
Completely agreed as this would add a level of immersion that helps invest you into the fights and the stories of the havens. +1
Count me in!
I think they tried to implement that but they couldn´t get the soldier AI right, there were a number of problems related to friendly fire due to the amount of splash damage in the game.
All my soldiers carry nade launchers so in a way I am glad there are no friendlies :).
ya i agree with you there, we need the havens soldiers to be actually fighting,
Were not suppose to be the hero that come in to Day the day, heck grab a gun and help.
AI should be fine, if you are at war with them they will shoot you to. then you can have a fun three way battle.
if you are not at war then just have them act normal, as long as they don’t order 66 my troops im fine, if my guy is stupid and too close to the enemy, you can nade him.
heck i ended up torching half of the people i was suppose to save as their was 4 melee crab men in the middle of the meat bags.
In BB5 I played a mission to defend Tobias West fortress.
NJ forces were on the map and fought against the Pandorans on their turn.
There were no friendly fire issues.
So I would they shouldn’t have a problem with defending a haven while PP troops are present.
I agree with you that it would bring immersion to the game and alot more fun to it as well. It would also bring more investment with the story. It just doesn’t make sense where you have to defend the structures to the research and there are no gaurds for example.
It would be good because you would have to choose if you want to trust your soldiers and risk it.
It would have fun having a three way battle. Then, when you take over the Haven, you can donate to one of the two factions or even turn that Haven into a Phoenix Point base.
I think it would be immersive and make sense.
There were defending soldiers intended by the devs but they deactivated it diue to the AI couldn´t recognize the good and the bad so they were your foes in those missions too. Weird…and sad !
Just take away their splash damage weaponry? I can’t believe that they would friendly fire with direct fire weapons when AI Pandorans or soldiers never do that to each other.
+1, pretty sure it was planed originaly then disabled, but according to what i saw latter on the game, seem the game can handle player x pandoran x a npc neutral faction battle, so i guess it’s not too much work to implement.
Great, having another pointless base around. I found all of them, use only 2.
i think haven’s soldiers should be in haven defense missions
I agree! These missions are too hard when scryllas turn up anyway. I just reload a save when I see them cus I usually have to deal with it and 4 arthrons and 2 sirens at the same time anyway. Even now on my 6th try, playing on easy this time, i might just have to restart the whole game again and go more agressive for stealing tech or something. I’m concidering never trying to save a haven again past the point when sirens show up in the game. The nerf to sirens with the patch won’t help much.
Not only would I like to have the Haven’s troops be present, but also be able to control them if I can get a PP squaddie close to them. In fact, to avoid the whole AI problem (if it really existed, which I doubt), why not have an option to allow the Haven’s to be added to the PP squad?
I wonder if the real reason for not doing it was the changes it would mean to the balance of forces on Haven raids, and the length of time it would take to play test and re-balance the game.
Another possible AI solution is to just give them a bunker or two that they sit in and defend, so you can plan around using aoe better.
Yeah if the A.I. wouldn’t work right then allow the player to control them. That could be an trade off if the more of their soldiers die, the population would feel hopeless or something like that. Overall, be creative with the Haven soldiers.
Nah. They should be present, but we shouldn’t give them orders.