Danforth and the Mark of the Void

Only against panic. You will still lose will from a psychic scream. It’s true that it has its use, but surely its not against psionic damage.

And at all: The mechanics of MotV are further broken.
It doesn`t help you anymore to leave the 5 tiles-distance.
Nor will marked soldiers ever loose the mark again. Balance!

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It’s a really cheap way to add challenge and needs revision. I’m sure there will be a rework at some point. The whole last mission has always been rather meh. Quantity instead of quality and the boss is just a smelly pile of cheese.

Thinking about MotV itself a bit, I don’t mind it too much, though. It is adding formidable pressure after all and makes you you bring enough sustain according to your firepower. It’s just the overall scenery is rather uninspired.



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MoV is not deemed psionic damage, it’s the only “pure” damage in the game. Which makes sense, given that it’s the final boss and all.

I do think that Sirens should have mind crush though. And they have been getting nerf after nerf until now they are less dangerous than an Arthron or a Triton.

Yes, I think that’s pretty much the consensus, or at least I’m yet to see anybody expressing a different opinion.


Me too. Maybe one final battle was with damage, in December. Three other after without.

Finally got around to finishing your video. Congratulations on your victory. However, a few observations…

  1. It would appear that you were able to capitalize on many bionic augmentations. Not all players have the DLC; or if they do, aren’t always using it.

  2. Rage Burst with non-automatic burst weapons?

  3. Using, what I believe you have stated a number of times, an OP weapon - the Scorcher AT.

I didn’t pay enough attention on your multi-class builds, so I hope there were no Terminator Builds lurking about…

Don’t take the comments in a bad way, just pointing out some observations. Thanks for posting the video, as it should prove helpful to many players.

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I don’t , of course the squad is OP, and I use Neural Torso, 2 soldiers and Clarity Head (I have my priest anyway) , also Armadillo (but I have Goo Module)

my point was about how easy is to finish that mission, and I didn’t use Rally, Adrenaline, Electric reinforcement, lot of RC…

I used RB only with Cannons and Deceptor MG, what self restriction should apply to those?

and yes, I made my point too with Scorcher AT, that made easier the way, faster

Next campaign I would not use Multiclass, and I will bring less “ammo” to the party :wink:

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Any News from the devs? It feels like the issue is forgotten.

I receive 100 - 120 damage from this stupid attack!
On ALL soldiers!

What a bad design of that ability!

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Remember, the MoV affects the soldier with MoV and all his mates in a 5 tile radius. So you must have 3 guys with MoV and all your soldiers within 5 tiles of each other.

Sure? I don’t think so or there is something wrong (bugged?).
I got 160 damage/turn with my lone soldier in front of the beast, the rest stood far back to snipe and weren’t marked.

To be more precise, it starts with 40 but ramps up every turn, 160 was the last this soldier receives before he died, right in the turn when I was able to kill this bulletsponge beast.

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Hmm, this is odd. I tried it myself with Danforth and it corresponded exactly with the description of the attack in the info panel.

Could it be that in your case the YE was casting it on the same soldier, so he had multiple MoVs? May because all your other soldiers were out of range (the rock outcroppings a little past the Gate)?

Maybe that’s the reason, I had already thought of something like that.

If it is a balance feature, why not make it a compromise?
Make Mark of the Void damage 30% Void and 70% Psychic (you name the exact numbers).
In that case Psychic Ward of the priests would mitigate part of the damage, but there would still be damage done. And the player would have to place his non-priest units rather close to priests to enjoy the protection of Psychic Ward (possibly getting them into AoE effect of Mark of the Void).

N.B.: this will also result in Turrets taking only 30% damage from Mark of the Void (the void portion of it, as the psychic part will probably be ignored).

The advise to use Technician healing is fine, but what if I don’t ally with New Jericho faction, but ally with Disciples of Anu instead? In that case it would be cool to have a nice alternative to help with the final mission.

I would change the whole mission,
but if it has to stay, remove Mark of the Void, replace it with better reinforcements and more Praetorian variants.

Also if your soldiers are bold enough to face YE from a few tiles, YE should grab them using tentacles and hold them as shield one turn, or hitting the ground with their bodies again and again, damaging body parts and HP.

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Why the hate with close-range troops? What if I want to kill the YE with an army of angry berserkers? :grin:

Not a problem , just do it fast and dirty :smile:

No problem, I’ll just give the vengeance torso to all of them and smash that thing to death in one turn!

Thinking about it… I would really love a savegame editor right now to try this out :joy:

AFAIK you can’t get in melee range to the YE, but not sure, never tried it.