Hello All
I’ll be trying to combine various fixes to address some common problems users are seeing
- Black Screen At Startup
This appears to be a permissions issue. Try running the game with administrator rights by going to C:\Program Files\Epic Games\PhoenixPoint and right click to “run as administrator”
- I Don’t See The Game!?
there are two entries in your library. The game is under “Phoenix Point”
However stuff like the OST and other goodies are under “Phoenix Point Content”. So you likely are trying to run this rather than the main game. Try to run the entry in your library called “Phoneix Point” instead
- Update Your Video Drivers
If you have a laptop ensure you are forcing the game to use the AMD/Nvidia card expliclity
*For AMD cards, download the AMD Catalyst Control Center, which you can find here:
*For NVidia cards, go to this page and download the appropriate drivers for your card by providing the correct information:
If you have an NVidia GeForce card, you can also download and install the GeForce Experience to update your cards through that:
- Laptop Users Should Force The Game To Use The GPU
If you’re on a laptop, you should try to force the game to run with your AMD/Nvidia card
This guide should help you depending on your video card:
- My Cursor Is Disappearing?
This is likely due to you having a HOTAS setup. Please disable or disconnect it. If you’d like to hear me rant about how much Microsoft and Xinput destroyed peripherals in general feel free to make a thread and I will talk for ages.
- Windows N Issues With Movies
If you are running WIndows N (a low cost version of Windows) you’ll need to install the media pack for Windows as its nto included
- Is The Game DRM Free?
Yes it is. You can basically download the game, exit epic, and run the game without problems. However, you still need the epic client to download and update the game.
- My Game Still Doesn’t Work
Undertandably this is frustrating but the devs want to ensure everyone can play. In order to assist with troubleshooting please provide some useful information
*Video card type
Also if you can provide the output.log file that would be helpful in understanding what might be wrong. YOu can find this file in
c:\users\< username >\AppData\LocalLow\Snapshot Games Inc\Phoenix Point
If you have a particular save file that exhibits a particular behavior please try to make that available, as it makes replicating your issue for the devs much easier. You can find your saves in
C:\Users\< username >\AppData\LocalLow\Snapshot Games Inc\Phoenix Point\EGS<random numbers>
Or if you’re running the game DRM free then it will be under
C:\Users\username\AppData\LocalLow\Snapshot Games Inc\Phoenix Point\EGS\LocalData
The save files have the .zsav extension (are you save scumming?!!? heretics!)
Also please provide a detailed description of the problem. When does it happen specifically. How does it happen? These kinds of information are extremely helpful