Black screen on startup

starting retail version from epic.

I have 6700k, 16GB ram, VNME drives and 1080TI.

I get a black screen with a cursor… waited 5 minutes and nothing happends.

No activity on CPU or hdd.

Read/write speeds on SSD are in excess of 2000mb/sec…

Anything i can try?


Same. This blows lol.

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Same here , but if you hit Esc you can play , but without cutscenes and the games will crash your pc when you exit, at least for me


I’m going to take a really long dump and see if it’s booted up when I come back. #dumpfix

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Maybe tomorrow lol

installed it on my laptop and it boots instantly…
this sucks

The thing is i can play but i can’t see cut scenes and when i exit the game , the game almost frozes the PC , need to Crtl-Alt-Del to end Session and enter again

Same problem here.
Black Screen and game cursor. So i guess nice buy and good quality.
And we even don’t have refund button in EGS.

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Ok I timed a a dump and shower at 20 minutes, and it had probably been sitting for 2? 5 minutes prior. So I guess I’ll make a Sandwhich :joy: so far I’m not thrilled with this purchase.

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Try this link- I was able to fix-

solves nothing…

Devs should really get in here. But someone obviously thought it was a good idea to drop the retail game and then let everyone go home…

Now to see if i can get a refund for the 80 euros i spent for a black screen. My rig is nothing special, i can almost promise its something to do with unity and nvidia cards or somesuch.

Wish there atleast was a documented way of getting a log/evenfile for some bugghunting.


Welp, new drivers, reinstall on SSD/HDD, run as admin e.t.c. didn’t help. Still black screen and cursor, and no reaction from game. I7 7700k gtx1060 16ram win 8.1. I’ll w8 till tommorow, and if there no patch for it, well F.

P.S. Anyone know how 2 refund on EGS? Contact they’re support? Or there is some magic link for it?

I know that during the Backer Build it would take a few minutes to start up. The game preemptively loads the bulk of the game immediately to lessen load times between actual screens. If you fiddle with it while it accesses everything you freeze her up.

I let my computer run for 35 minutes on the black screen, my hardware is above and beyond the minimum requirements, I did the file verify, I uninstalled, tried a different path and reinstalled, same Bullshit. I’m sure I’ll enjoy the game once I’m actually able to play it…

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30 mins in EGS launcher. Pretty sure, it’s enough 2 start a game from SSD.

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surely we can’t be the only ones experiencing this issue?

та же проблема : черный экран и курсор…

this is great we can’t play it

Blame the 1080ti - I use an ASUS GL753VD with 1050 (mobile) and NVME SSD / 16 GB RAM / Core i7 7700 and it starts smoothly

Just a few seconds between starting in epic launcher and being asked (first start) to access windows defender firewall - after that … Same few seconds and the game starts the intro sequence

Sorry to read that you have such problems with better graphics boards.

I use Windows 10 pro as OS - just to be complete on info about my pc

There should be a setting or a ability we should turn off. I do not think better VGA card can cause this problem.