Hi everyone,
I have changed my region to Us and also changed my Windows login name (It had a “space” character in it.) solved the problem. I know it is silly but give it a try.
Glad it work for you but not for me , for what i see the is 2 types of blackscreens the one you can do nothing, it just crashes and the one you can hit Esc and paly the game but without cutscenes and when you quitting the game it crashes, dunno if the same fix will solve both
it is unfortunate that at the start of a new game, on the problems of people who invested in it, they were responsible for the problems at launch and put ONE person !!! it is very disappointing! when the company needed money for development, a lot of us responded, and when we need help, there is nobody …
Hot damn! This solved it for me, excellent find! Thank you very much, God bless you!
I also did change Windows language to US English but that didn’t work out by itself.
BTW I had Turkish regional format and UK language before for Windows, changed to US language and US format and fixed it.
напиши точно что ты изменил и где…
It was one of the issues with Backers Builds. Interesting it still persist.
Я не понимаю
Just read the forum.
oh right, there was an issue where having non-latin characters in the language settings prevented the game from loading
Control Panel -> Clock, Language, and Region - > Change the date, time, or number format - > Formats (tab) - > Change Format to English (United States).
Also at the same place under the Keyboards and Languages (tab) - > Choose a display language (English). (I changed this before but it didn’t solve the problem at that time. So not %100 sure about this.)
Still there are blackscreens that changing region format don’t help, i really hope they can fix it soon as possible.
спасибо всем , но мне это не помогло(((
Yeah sames. Fun game, but I’d like the first playthrough to have the cut scenes and the storyline
Hii from Turkey, I also have the black screen issue.
I’m gonna wait a few days for a patch. Otherwise, I’m gonna refund the game
Merhaba Arkadaşlar;
Yukarıdaki yazılan açıklamalarda bir çözüm yolu önerilmiş ve yapanların başarılı olduklarına dair bir bilgilendirme de var;
Denetim Masası-> Bölge (win7 için Bölge ve Dil) içinde yer alan
1 ile işaretlenmiş sekmede yer alan Konum bilginizi değiştiriniz,
2 ile işaretlenmiş sekmede yer alan Görüntüleme dili butonuna basıp dili İngilizce yapınız;
3 ile işaretlenmiş sekmede yer alan Unicode olmayan programların dili alanından sistem yerel ayarlarını değiştir seçeneğinden dili İngilizce yapınız
Bu alanları düzenlemeniz yeterli olacaktır denilmiş. İlk versiyonlarda (destekleyenlerin sürümlerinde) da bu hatanın olduğu da verilen bilgiler arasında. Kişisel olarak bir windows 10 kullanıcısı olarak bir deneme yapmadım ve çözüm bulabilmek adına 150 dakikayı aşmış olduğumu gösteriyor Epic Games.
PS: Sorry for Turkish Language. Some users just using google translate and create a new post. I just make a translate about the recent posts. About language and regional settings.
@UnstableVoltage , @gamingmechanoid , any news ???
think it won’t be today yet, soo now only monday …
Well i can confirm that for Turkish players, changing language as English works on Windows 10. Such a stupid bug and yet stupid solution. I think it might work for other countries too, worth to try. Also suprised to see so many Turkish fans of this game. Freaking XCOM :)))
Already tried that , don’t work …
Glad that some people tried the locale change and it worked for them. However there is another black screen issue that is not caused by this. Our technical director believes that it can be fixed by updating Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable.
We will also have a fix in the first patch for the black screen and it won’t require these workarounds. Hopefully it will fix other similar issues people are having.
Literally played anything and everything that’s like X-Com so Gollop returning with a spiritual sequel was unthinkable to miss for me. But yeah, happy to see many fellow Turkish players too!
I had seen Japanese games refusing to work unless Windows region was Japan but region format is the first time I have seen in a game, I wouldn’t even imagine it. Pretty weird bug, also explains why another friend of mine had the same issue and fixed the same way I described to him here.
I already tried the C++ 2015, doesn’t work.
But when the patch is ready @gamingmechanoid ?