I just got the current Backer Build and played roughly 3 hours. Here is some general feedback so far (sorry for not making one thread for each, as suggested, but this is more of a “the game feels like…” thing, not a list of actual issues / problems).
As a note, I love and played XCOM 1&2 a lot.
I think PP needs some kind of tutorial or an easier start. Initially, I was confused by the different soldier classes. I only saw the class icon which in some cases is more evocative (like the technician) than in others. Also, cold starting with 4 or 5 different classes, not knowing their abilities, etc, found me just shooting at aliens with no plan. Probably the info I’m looking for is available somewhere, but it would be a lot better if it were presented in the game itself with 1 or 2 intro missions explaining the basics.
I found myself looking at the world map not knowing what to do. After investigating all the reachable places and finishing the available scavenging mission, I just clicked on “play” and waited. After a while, a haven was attacked and there I had my next mission - that’s all fine and XCOM-like, but initially I just didn’t know it was meant to work this way.
As unlike XCOM you actually need to take ammo with you, I often found myself forgetting about it and running out of bullets early in the mission. A warning or an automatic inventory replenishment feature would be nice. Also, sometimes it’s not very obvious which type of ammo you need (I guessed the technician’s P1 would require pistol ammo, which didn’t work).
I find the “return fire” feature rather frustrating. You fire once, but then there are multiple aliens firing back at you, not once, but every time. So it’s better not to attack? Also I found rifles / bullets very ineffective, especially due to the return fire thing and rather erratic hit/miss ratio. The only effective way to win a mission so far has been using lots of explosives. I had the impression that aim decreases with distance and improves with higher ground. However, I didn’t see any indication of this in the UI so it’s really just a guess.
When firing at a target, I sometimes get a “0 Equipment damaged” message. The 0 makes it confusing (is there any damage at all?).