Arctic mission and 66% ODI, am I behind?

Yes, that’s how it works, those are the three required researchs to unlock Virophage Injector

Ok, in this case I think I screw PP victory, but coming back a bit I have enough time to make Anu victory. So situation no so bad as I though.

Maybe some hints:
Scan as much as possible also in regions without heavens to reveal pandoran bases and destroy them. As mentioned above, for the scans you only need an empty aircraft and then only for exploring and attacking the bases your main aircraft with your squad.
This way you maybe can stall the ODI a bit more as by only protecting heavens.
IMHO, protecting heavens will not decrease the ODI (but I assume it prevents it to increase and it also reveals bases) but destroying bases will do it.

All heavens I tried to defend have so much enemy force so I should admit I need two fully leveled up alpha-teams, not one.

I didn’t have enough resources for hiring at early stage of game. If I go for another playthrough I make it priority number one make two imba-teams.

But such gameplay is frustrating, if I go defend every single heaven I need probably twice more time for whole campaign. Every defend mission take from about 1-2 hours and it even in perfect conditions if I don’t make restarts. This missions not much different one from another, even playing first time PP I take it as something very unwanted.

This game need some sort of automatic algorithm to resolve some defends. For example build androids? send it to heaven and let AI win if I have more forces than enemy offense.

If there is 3 arrows to something, then all 3 are required.

You need to complete the “To Antarctica” Phoenix mission in-order to get the final missions for all factions. It’s required for the Yuggothian Receptacle and Entity researches.

Link to FAQ:

Now I don’t know what to do… Etermes said “You didn’t need Antarctica mission, just Temple of Eanna, Pandora Key yes and Telepathic Module and the Schism mission and final research Liturgy of the Divine Flesh”.

He probably meant I don’t need Antarctica for Anu win, but it’s not last mission and not a win condition for the game.

I saw that FAQ before,

but, who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes? :wink:

try and later post here :smile:

@icemann maybe both are wrong,

check this screenshot, researching Project Liberation without Yuggothian Receptacle

About Disciples of Anu,

I prepared this save (advancing from ODI 78% , just researching, so ODI 91, I didn’t defend any haven):

complete The Schism and see by yourself, then Pandora Key and Liturgy of the Divine Flesh without Yuggothian Receptacle

Still don’t get it, does Liturgy give me victory of campaign or it just make victory for fraction?

I don’t have time to make all those researches and don’t have time for Antarctica mission, but I have Scylla Vivisection + Pandoravirus + Schism mission, so I can go to Anu victory.

Victory for any faction including the PP one = victory of the whole game
In other words, the game has 4 ends, one for every faction and one for PP alone.

More clear to your question, Liturgy gives you access to the final mission and completing this one successfully ends the campaign.

Every “end”-research gives you access to the final mission and this mission is almost the same only with some story differences and details.


I completed Schism mission just for the purpose of this post,

you don’t need Receptacle

Ok, thanks for everybody, I finally got answer on my question. I only hope I have enough time to reach to this final point on Final Mission, I gonna have 90-95% GDI when I finish Liturgy.