Acid Chirons are stupid

Well I did ask for acid to be more potent, but it was understood the wrong way.
What I explained is that it takes too much time to have an effect on the enemy so we have to use other stuff because we can’t let the enemy survive that long.

We have an asymmetric situation where:

  • we can’t wait for 4 turns for the acid to go through an Arthron’s armor, we need it dead now
  • the enemy can wait ; never mind the loss of a few units in the meantime ; they will get replaced for free in the next mission

I was asking for a correction in this asymmetry by having acid more helpful. Only Anu had acid grenades and that meant running a soldier to the evac if it got hit.

Now, that everyone has acid, making it more potent doesn’t remove the asymmetry (it’s even worse since somehow the enemy always does more damage than us) and your soldiers die quicker.

In the end, the problem with all those “DoT” (poison, acid, virus, …) is that the game is alpha strike oriented.