A Simple Solution to the Dash Debate

MichaelIgnotus DON’T SPEAK FOR ME OK!

I actually like that idea, it is a brilliant solution! So if I need a child’s opinion I will ask you ok… You have NO CLUE to what I want and as for statement about most would be playing higher than me, well I was playing these types of games before you were even a twinkle in the eye. So to say what you did is just rude and childish. GET OVER IT!

No need to be so hostile Spag.

If you read my other posts (esp. Does anyone else remember when Steam was the Evil Empire?), you ill realise that I’m actually a lot older than many people on these fora.

we all love this type of game, and we all want to make this the best possible game of its type, which is why we’re here, debating how many Crabbies we can fit on the head of a pin :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

This entire thread is a genuine attempt on my part to suggest a solution which will enable other players to play this game in a way that is anathema to me, and which I believe that neither the Devs nor most people on these fora think this game should be about. But IT’S JUST A GAME, and just because I think it should be almost impossible to win doesn’t mean others shouldn’t find other ways to enjoy it.

You are on record as saying that you like Dash the way it is and therefore want it to be infinitely spammable. Therefore, when I say ‘That’s not what Spagetman wants’, I am simply stating a fact that you have VERY FORCEFULLY & HOSTILELY put on at least 3 other threads that I have read so far.

I’m trying to find a way to give you what you’re complaining about here, so how about you calm down a bit, eh :slightly_smiling_face:

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