I wanted to see what happens if I simply let the game go after I researched anything, activated all PP bases and just don’t do the necessary missions or researches that bring me to an end.
The Situation in my game since several in game months, actual date is 20.08.2047, population at 31%:
- Veteran difficulty.
- All PP bases activated, all with Satellite Uplink to scan bases and Mist Repellers in reach of several heavens.
- Anything researched except the three worm vivisections, the Virophage Injector (PP end) and the Pandora Key (Anu End, they don’t research it by themself, it is a PP research and so blocked by me).
- I did only do the final Anu mission, the NJ and Synedrion ones are on the globe since mid march, but i simply didn’t have done them, so their story endings are also blocked.
- All ancient sites conquered, I have ancient materials en masse (>15k each) and all soldiers equipped with ancient weapons.
- Destroyed any Pandoran base that showed up.
Something interesting happens in the last months, Anu builds their Missionary Centers in many of their heavens, these “converts from other faction havens within their influence” and that pretty effective so that they are currently growing when the other two factions lose more than usual (overall population still goes down).
I have taken screenshots of the population at 20.06., 20.07. and the last just now at 20.08.
Currently the biggest Anu heaven has close over 74,000 inhabitants and I think it would withstand almost any attack that should coming up with their military strength of 77:
But it changes between their heavens, it seems to me that they also drain population from their own heavens. One of their other heavens already had over 60,000 inhabitants but since some time it goes down again slowly, currently this heaven has 57,000 inhabitants even if it constantly stated it would grow. I assume it looses inhabitants that “convert” to the other and bigger Anu heaven from the picture above.
For more than 2 months now the Pandorans have hardly acted at all. No new Pandoran bases are coming up, no heaven attacks from them (only Forsaken from time to time) and only once or twice per month an attack on one ancient site (seems to be independent from Pandoran bases).
So currently I let the game run with highest speed because not much happens. I will go ahead, because now I’m curious what will happen in the future. When the population is close to 10% I will end it with what ever is left, at least with the PP end.
But it’s more than strange, the Pandorans just stopped fighting me for the most part.
04.09. - since months the first nest shows up, will they now come back again?