We need Pandoran Factions

We need Pandoran Factions.

I don’t talk about Pure or Forsaken… they are just side enemies… I talk about Pandorans.

All the old xcom games, Ufo and TFTD got alien races. Every race got 1 main enemy type, 1 side and 1 terror unit which is much bigger and deadlier…

I would like to see that at PP… we could have a barbaric ones like hivemind, a intelligent one which even can speak and got their own agenda and a third one mixed… every faction could need different approach and even weapon types to deal. Maybe even you could interact with them. You could get different researches from them…

PP’s enemy part is weak and lazy. So few pandoran types as so much humanoid. You kill humans much more then pandorans and most dangerous weapons are mostly human weapons used by humans and again pandorans…

A good game is about their enemies. I always look to the enemy side rather then player got. Probably we won’t get it but still we need much more pandoran enemies with non-humanoid more nightmare fuel with their own weapons…

When there are tons of deep ocean creatures, why do we have Siren? I like her design but can’t fit to the “pandorans”…


Scarier still, would be Pandoran’s that convert/infect the population of Bases they take over. :eyes: Then would they have access to use the Tech of that Faction? :scream:

Which calls to question; Just how do Pandoran’s travel to bases? I imagine Festering Skies will answer that for us.

I don’t know about the factions idea, because they’re all controlled by one being… but more diversity surely is needed.

The evolution mechanic sadly is not enough to satiate the player in the variety sense, because the AI is the same and also the overall look and fell, even though the enemy’s weapons and armor change. It’s like playing those games from the 8-bit and 16-bit eras when “new” enemies were the same ones but on a new color… the difference is that even those games had a higher base number of enemy classes.

LotA added a few but I was hoping for new pandoran ones, not evolutions. Let’s hope that festering skies bring some new ones.

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