V 1.10 Question about fire damage

Do you think the game takes into account the actual surface of fire the go trough when estimating the fire damage for entering a tile? I honestly have no idea how the game works at that level, but I would say it seems very odd. And I think it is not the case, looking at the info the devs provided me with.

This is according to the devs:

  1. Flat Damage: applied to one body part minus the set body part armor (Base flamethrower flat damage is 80)

ImpactDamage = BodyPartHP - (FlatDamage - BodyPartArmor)

  1. Burning damage from the ground (40dmg): applied on each body part minus the armor.

GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart = CurrentLitTileDmg - BodyPartHP

To get the damage that will be applied to the HP from the burning ground we add all GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart from each body part and subtract it from the number of body parts.

DmgGroundBurnOnHP = (GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart1 + GroundBurnDmgOnEachPart2 + …) / Y
[Y = Number of body parts]

In summary: We add ImpactDamage + DmgGroundBurnOnHP which will give us the exact damage applied to the unit HP.

TotalDmgApplied = CurrentHP - (ImpactDamage + DmgGroundBurnOnHP)

The damage on the ground should be based on a constant CurrentLitTileDmg and be an all or nothing scenario for each tile, according to this info.

OK, so imagine something like this:


A= character starting position
F = lit tile
B, C, D = tiles where character can move

If you tell the character to go to B, it will take the shortest route, which is a 2 diagonal movements. It will thus step into the fire only once.

Similarly with C: it will take one diagonal movement and one up, or in reverse order, always taking damage only once.

To go to D, however, it has to step on two lit tiles, so it will take the damage twice.

No, of course, not what I mean is that goung south, southwest or southeast should not make any difference, for example, in your scheme.

So we probably have different scenarios in our minds.

So for example I have seen a triton crossing a fire tile and getting a fire status effect of 3. Which is something I had no way to explain at all, so I figured It had to do with what you said about moving diagonally (it did a weird path).

Otherwise, in your scenario the aproach angle to fire would not be relevant, just the ammount of tiles you hace to cross, which is deppendant on the layout and the path you take inside.

Also I was adding that case to something I have seen 2-3 times, a triton crossing a single fire tile not seemingly going trough the tile center, but its model clearly inside fire for half a sec; and no effect taken. So I think in single tiles the animation and path may not trigger the tile in certain cases. Or just make it look that it should have triggered the effect, when should not.

I may just be looking too hard on this xDD

Ah, that has to do with how strength of fire decays. A freshly lit fire has a strength of 40, and it loses 10 strength each turn. So after a turn the strength of the fire would be 30. Stepping on the tile would do 30 fire damage as per the formula and give the character a fire status effect of 30.

Yes yes, but it was 3, not 30. Of course is more likely to be a UI artifact in the displayed number. I did not check, because Im stupid xD

Fire damage from tile - armor?
I guess because:

But that makes no sense, the status should be 40, 30, 20 or 10 … hmm?

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That’s right, it’s damage minus armor. I have 9 of the damage step on fire.

Yes but damage is one thing and burning status is another. I think damage can be anything, but burning status only 40, 30, 20, 10… The burning status is the one that gets the flame icon next to the character.

Sometimes is confusing, since burning status is the thing that applies damage and as I said, it was a one time thing that maybe due to the UI displaying 30 wrong, or me getting confused. Hard to know now, But eventually if there is something about it, we will know more.

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