UI equipment comments: toggle button and class restriction Icon

UI Minor:

I recommend a toggle off button for classes on the equipment screen. The current setup is ok. You can switch off equipment choice for each individual class, but it would be faster if you could toggle off all the classes at one time and then switch back on equipment for the class you need.

So if I need to find an Assault’s assault rifle. I have to toggle off all the class besides assault and then scroll through the assault and all equipment to find the late-game rifle. It would only be two clicks to seven clicks.

I would also add the icon to the left equipment screen as you did on the right equipment screen. Once the equipment is ordered up and in the production screen, you have a nice icon stating if the equipment is for heavies or assualts. It would be good if the equipment on the left side had the same icon so it was easier to the equipment if you have multiple class icons on.

I would also create an all equipment toggle with a solid diamond. Some times, I just need to order up some grenades;).

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