Thoughts on the new Rage Burst, Mark for Death, & 'Onslaught'

How long have you been following the development of Phoenix Point?

I’m a super fan of Phoenix, with Fig. Which converted by focusing on the project, instead of investing money in the game.

I’m not trying to misrepresent your ideas or opinions. I’m quoting your own words. You said you don’t want to discuss about the mechanics you dislike, or propose any idea or solution. Thus, is only fair to say that you are here to rant against the game and the devs.

I’m a super fan of Phoenix

According to your own words you are superfan of a game you don’t enjoy, and you seem to despise the creators that made the game you are fan of, possible. I hope you take a minute to reflect on the implications of this.

Look as far as my experience goes, this community is very helpful and welcoming, any criticism idea or opinion is listened to. I cannot talk for anyone else, but will be willing to listen, and share our experience with you, if you give it a chance. And if you dont, what are you trying to get from this conversation?
I hope you take a step back and understand that the way you write is aggressive, confrontational and not helpful.

Any criticism or problem you may have with the game will not reach anyone if you are not willing to use reason, or to discuss in a polite way about PP without diminishing the people that put the work to make it.

Anyway, this is far out of topic. And there is nothing else I can say to let you see my point of view. So I will leave it here.

I’ll just repeat it again.

Canny and Community Council withOUT the assistance Modding
it is a Malicious waste of resources.
Triple that if you use these tools to distance yourself as much as possible from the Community.

One question about rage burst: does it guarantee one hit (the middle one)?
Tried a few times at long range and always hit at least the middle one.

Sure - not the best strategie to try to hit from far away. But can be helpfull if necessary.

No, nothing is guaranteed, because any bullet is simulated separately.

But if you use a high burst weapon like the Deceptor then there is of course a pretty high chance that at least some bullets of the big burst hit, with this weapon there are 12 x 5 = 60 bullets in a sweep over the shown cone (though the real cone of fire is wider as the preview shown, keep that in mind).

In general, use multi bullet weapons like assault rifles, shotguns and MGs and the closer you are the more bullets will hit. With single shot weapons you will miss a lot if not all of the 5 shots if your soldier is not really close.

Are you Sure about that for “rage burst” at it is now? Did anyone ever miss the middle rage burst shot/miss all 5 shorts at long range?

Yes, I’m sure, I did some tests with different weapons and with single shot weapons it happens quite often to miss all shots even on not so long range.
I remember @etermes did a short video where he missed all 5 shots of a crossbow rage burst on pretty short range (5-7 tiles if I remember correctly).

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Yes, I was trying things, and this was the result


O.K., thanks for the info

So not everything in Phoenix Point is OP! :grin:

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I think I never missed all 5 shots. In reality I just missed 3 of the 5 shots most of the time, and 4 of the 5 otherwise. So I think you need to be riduculously close of a big sized enemy for the ability to have any useful effect. Also, while I think it is posible, I never hit more than one enemy with it.

PS: The video made me laugh, I have to admit. The soldier is too far from the enemy. And still, its a perfect example on how dissapointing is the ability most of the time. Except if you use it after dashing to the face of the enemy, and then is ridiculously powerful. To me new Rage burst feels weird, unfun and unbalanced.

Rage burst needs it’s aiming fixed. Against a humanoid sized enemy you miss most of shots from 2-3 tiles due to wide aim (this part is ok), BUT you also risk missing all of your shots point blank due to misalignment between real projectile origin point (depends on pose used with particular weapon) and one used in preview (unit center). Second part needs to be fixed.

Rageburst is a huge letdown. Over-nerfed.

I would prefer it be adjusted to simply making each shot cost only one AP regardless of weapon.

I totally agree. RB has become an ability that has become almost useless. I don’t even bother with it anymore.

Yeah I hope they do something with rage burst, I never saw the original version but right now it’s so bad I usually spend the points elsewhere.

Like it’s a level 7 skill and I’d rather have stats, and that’s not a great sign. It should be a single target x-com style damage dealer. Doesn’t have to delete enemies like a reaper skill (a good reaper in wotc and take down a gatekeeper solo) but how about repeated shots on one enemy?

Right now it’s really really bad.

That is exactly what rage burst originaly was. :slight_smile:

They should turn it back then. It’s pretty bad.

They cold leave RB as is (5 shots, fanned horizontally). Just give us proper aim for it (preview as huge oval) instead of current broken system.

The old one was OP as hell, mainly because it can be used with any weapon.
It was superior with sniper rifles from long ranges, Sniper / Heavy was the way to go and any other class combination pretty suboptimal, having 4-5 of these in the squad was the usual way to go.
Instead of restricting it to burst weapons only (AR and MG) they decided to rework it to what we have now. The current implementation is not useless, with MG on close range still the most damaging combo in the game but it is situational, only useful against big enemies and the character has to go into a dangerous zone close to these big and mostly also dangerous enemies.

I’m also not a big fan of the new RB, but the old one without restrictions is not really better. In my opinion it is pretty much exactly the opposite, a massive damage boost (x5!) where the player don’t really need to think about, just activate the ability and kill almost any enemy, no tactical decision needed, brain-dead, unbalanced.


Yup. Maybe it could be tweaked and buffed a bit (it is not bad right now, it just doesn’t give the 7th tier power feel) l, but it was just too good the old way. Without any investment it was just OP anytime anywhere.

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