That’s exactly how it used to be on release (the enemies tried to destroyed containers with the resources and you had to kill them before they did) and everyone complained about how boring, frustrating and illogical it was.
The idea is that if you want to get more resources you have to take higher risks, because more enemies are coming and your operatives are encumbered and slower the more they carry.
In practice though
And that’s on all difficulty levels because of how reinforcements work in the game - it’s a trickle, when sometimes it has to be a wave. Hopefully it’s something that will get improved.
Also, I have suggested that the yield from these missions be doubled - each box should be worth 200 of the resource, instead of 100.
This game is long and takes time. I am playing for maybe 30 hours and still I did not get enough loa material to make a weapon.
So I hate thing to slow it down further. From skill Animations to not neccecary missions. Evac is the worst one. You can implement it to story missions when you are in a enemy territory but it’s late at cauala missions.
Why is there no Evac at steal or sabotage missions? You are in enemy base! You just click 3 research point and the enemy next to you just smiles to you and let you go after a friendly handshake. I don’t want Evac missions on those, don’t get me wrong and I probably stop playing if we get more Evac. I just try to show how ridiculous they implement it.
At a alien nest, there is no Evac but then at citadel and lair got it. It’s so lame. I like my kill all enemy missions.
For short, use Evac at minimal. After we got 4 more dlc the game time will be days… We don’t need crappy not enjoyable mechanic.
I don’t like evacs too, it’s such a drag. Specially in the currently boring resource missions. BUT I’m not against them in nature - they just have to be consistent as you said, if you have them in lairs you have them in nests (citadels could be a case for “ok you destroyed all the intelligence there, the rest of the pandorans are fleeing now”). And haven steal/sabotage missions also make sense. Plus, it has to be a mad dash to get out, more reinforcements should come from afar and a couple come in between you and the exit.
I don’t enjoy to dump/undamp.
Loading / unloading soldiers is not the most interesting part of the gameplay. What is it for? For a designer to imagine that they made something more hardcore than XCom?
If someone likes to dress / undress dummies, maybe they should try playing Sims?.