/Offtopic: The game has a very good potential, but feels in many ways like a beta version.
If me and others would not play it, nobody would make it better, because nobody would know, what to improve.
No more, no less.
If no one would tell the devs, what is good or what is not good, how could they know?
And lastly: The game wouldn`t benefit, if everyone would only post, how GOOD it is, because it would never evolve out of its bugs and beta-feel stage.
That`s, why the devs created this forum and the canny, where I am very active too.
Obviously me and others like this game very much, or we would not play it and tell others of our experiences.
If you had read my posts correctly, you would simply know, that I love this game.
In many ways I like it even more then XCOM 1 +2. But those games have advantages and disadvantages too.
Especially I love it to be able to aim at bodyparts. And base building is simple.
I like the idea too, of giving Tritons and Arthrons changing weapons.
What lacks here, are videos and strong characters like Bradford, Tygan and so on, to identify with.
But the atmosphere is dense even without that. Nevertheless I miss Bradford or somehow a similar character somehow 
But enough for this. Please stay on topic, as I will return too.
I won`t repeat it.
/Back on topic:
In that moonrocket mission I experienced too, that it has some effect: Camping in the mainbuilding and waiting for the Tritons and Arthrons to come seems effective.
But there is danger too, since the Sirens can panic ALL the squad inside and shots sometimes blow holes to walls, where the enemy can now spot and shot you. Savescumm can helpt then, but not for the panic. And I`m reaching for a way, to avoid savescum.
I’m curious, how the mission will end for me.
Finally did it! There weren`t so many enemies. The camping strategy in the mainbuilding was the key.