I reloaded that mission about 12 times. I can`t get through.
I keep getting swarmed bei Arthrons, Sirens and Tritons. The existing 2 - 3 Chirons don`t make that mission easier.
Jericho is my partner.
I reloaded that mission about 12 times. I can`t get through.
I keep getting swarmed bei Arthrons, Sirens and Tritons. The existing 2 - 3 Chirons don`t make that mission easier.
Jericho is my partner.
What soldiers do you have? If you have a heavy with a grenade launcher and Boom Blast, use them to soften up the Chirons before killing them with snipers. Dash in some assaults to finish them off with shotguns if needed. That should panic most of the Pandorans. You can then finish the rest off next turn in the same way.
By the time you do the Antarctic mission you should have a large squad of really good soldiers. An Infiltrator/Sniper is good for two shots a turn of huge damage. Sniper/Heavy is good for long range Rage Burst kills. A heavy with the grenadier + mounted weapon perks is great for really long range artillery fire. A priest with the Frenzy head is great for giving everyone a huge speed boost.
I got 8 soldier for that mission. Everyone is Lvl. 7:
2 Heavy/Snipers; 4 Assault/Snipers, 2 Sniper/Heavys.
It`s the amount of enemies, that make me trouble.
Don’t attack on first move, try to put everyone in cover instead. On starting location there if not much cover so dash to cover if needed. Do not set overwatch on first move. Half of enemies will come closer, and half will roam the map. On second turn start killing close enemies and be careful not to alert distant ones. Disable sirens’ head first so that they can’t do frenzy.
It depends a lot of Chiron type, in last play, I had 4 Chiron with goo (I can’t even imagine what it would be with worms), in previous play I had 2 Chiron bombard, and so on, it seems very diversified on that aspect.
Start position can be great for snipers:
Covers at first turn:
Shooting at first turn:
Sirens heads is good target only if you have a team mainly with very high precision. Otherwise I advise more the tails.
For Triton it depends, sniper need an extra care, you can’t let a Triton sniper shoot too long, you need detect him and kill or disable weapon. For shotgun triton, it’s a range management, short range they can apply very high damages so are extra dangerous.
For crabs, those with AR and 50 damages are your first priority. In this map it can be handy have your sniper with the neural SR to apply slowdown or paralyze. Otherwise you can think disarm or kill, sometimes legs can work but in my opinion it’s rare.
But it’s a lot of general advices, what specific to this mission is: