Specific mutations that we'd like to see

F-Axis enemy within had what - about 12 species not counting variations (Heavy/Commander etc.) and has recycled most of Xcom Enemy Unknown creatures?

Easiest way would be to recycle all creatures from Laser Squad, Xcom, TFD and Apocalypse.

I believe it will not be much recycling due to copyright reasons and a wish to distigish it as new game, no matter how much I would love to meet Sectoid or Lobsterman in this new and advanced game.

They seem to drawn inspiration from more Lovecraftian and ancient mythology/horror parts then Sci-Fi like it was for LS/XCom Enemy Unknown.

I find story of virus and mutations nice and “Resident Evil” like, but would not speak of mutated elephants until I meet one.

DLC should bring more, first is announced free, underwater missions one (that might bring TFD like creatures) will be paid one. And as usual, that is all next year to release.

18 types with all their different mutations are not enough? I would love to see so many.


Mutated seals! Especially deadly killer baby seals. No idea about actual mutations though :grin: Guess they could be living tanks with that fur. And additional layer of cuteness, so noone would be comfortable shooting at them.
edit: Ooooh, or make it behemoth class. Giant Killer Baby Seal of Doom. Or at least as an easter egg :smiley:


One thing I’d really like to see is more melds of alien and machine. The Crabmen have their guns, and in one piece of concept art the Queen has incorporated large tank cannons into her body, but I’d like to see things such as a hermit crab alien using a battle tank as a shell, or a massive hermit crab behemoth using a battleship as its shell. :oden:


I’d really like to see actual armoured vehicles that have been taken over by the Pandora Virus. Like the whale-organ tank from Death Stranding.


While some sort of half organic tanks is possible, I am more for horror huge creatures.

Current spider queen is a tank for itself. Its not on them to copy human solutions,
we try to cope with em and copy them.

TFD has a lot of those huge, HP and armour filled, large aliens. Like Xaequid tentacluat and similar.

However some sort of organic and mech mixtures like @Gunlord500 suggests, would be possible. Like Sectoid used to get armored in EW2 (but I would love it to be less powerful suit and once he losts it he is just weaponless alien hunting to loot corpses for weapon or having just melee ones).

And dont forget Cyberdiscs and Drones, some half organic evolution would be nice.
I see EW2 (aka Faxis Xcom2) has brought some new ones, like Andromedon, Alien Rulers and Spectre. We cannot exact copy them due to copyrights, but some sort of mech/organic combo would be nice. And I am glad EW2 had Snakeman comback in form of Viper.

My personal 1994 tanke melee only is a REAPER (no, not the EW2 reaper)


Oh, I’m glad to see that this topic seems popular! : )

I was thinking about the crab-men, too. I figure that, over time, it’s likely they will likely become tougher, and more and more “chryssalid-like”, as they continue to mutate. From what I’ve read about Phoenix Point and the goals for the game, it sounds like it’s probably going to have a set of creatures that are radically different from the ones that we will first encounter. Even the “same old crab-man” may be completely new and strange, by the late-game–which I think is a fantastic potential for replayability.

I am very much hoping for robust modding tools, by the way, so that I can make some of my own dark dreams come true…

Thinking about crab-men, they’re quite a nice starting enemy, actually, with plenty of room to grow (into crazy, terrifying beasts of the Apocalypse). I do like them better for their melee-capacity, though, and their ability to take punishment, and eat up our ammunition, than I do as snipers and as grenadiers, however. I’m hoping that those roles will be taken up more, by other creatures who are more suitable for branches of specialization?

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As far as our soldiers encountering enemies, the way that I think I’d like to see it happen is that different biomes and areas will slowly be overcome, by separate invasions from the World’s oceans (so, not every single shore-line, all at once), and then, the enemies that we face and fight should change and become more various, over time, influenced by the territories that we hold.

Whichever ones that we don’t hold, or don’t hold well enough, would then gradually become more and more infected and corrupted, depending on the strength of their defenses, and as they did, the genetic material contained within them would become more available, and the variety of enemy-creatures from that biome would grow more variable.

Each kind of enemy would ramp up in strength as it’s environment was more fully corrupted, while the list of mutations available to each, would also become longer, and individually stronger.

Rarer biomes would include savanna, forests, taiga, jungles, grasslands, chapparal, steppes, and alpine mountains, while freshwater lakes, inland swamps, river deltas, small islands, and shorelines with rocky cliffs, would be targeted right after sandy beaches, arctic ice, and coastal wetlands. Oceanic biomes would include shallow water, deep water, the low-oxygen gulfs, oceanic trenches, underwater geysers, coral reefs, the arctic seas, and the ocean bottom–but these would assumedly already be in the Pandovirus’s grip.


Less a mutation than an entire enemy, but something like a stonefish that injects the PV rather than a venom. It’d make a nice PV Landmine


Yeah, especially since stonefish are very ugly creatures. A stonefish mutant could be super scary!

and rather than being uglier, they could look more like stones

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I love the idea of camouflaged enemies, like the stonefish–that is great!

Another thought is, I’ve noticed that the mutations are often being expressed as appearing “coral-like”. It would be really cool, to me, if the Mist were to gain the ability to actually start growing into coral-like structures, to form cover for enemies, and barriers for our units, where touching them could easily cause infection–and maybe make the use of explosives, more of a risky proposition.

Imagine tossing a grenade at a mass of mutant coral, and then being hit by the infectious shrapnel. That could get nasty.

These Mist-Coral structures could then grow and mutate, in the field, and start providing Tower-Defense and support-abilities. These could quickly build into very serious problems, but they would also make research into better environmental-destroying weapons and technologies much more interesting and strategially important–while making the environment itself much more menacing–Something which I love to see!

There’s not a lot scarier, than having the landscape you’re walking through, itself, turn against you.

And…if you couple this with your Stonefish-camouflage idea… You’ve got some real nightmare-fuel, where anything and everything around you, can suddenly transform into a tentacled-skyscraper-abomination, and then…just quietly turn back into something apparently completely harmless, and just wait for the next dumb soldier to come along.


I would like to see mutations that are more than equipment. I mean currently it feels like crabmen are like human soldiers, but the equipment is called mutation instead of equipment.
so i want them to have mutations like
-extra legs that allow for a charge attack
-no arms, but can spit acid
-extra bulky back that allows it to regenerate wounds, maybe even spit at allies to heal them too
-pustulent belly so the creature leaves a poisonous cloud on death
-Tail (dinosaur-like) that allows for more mobility or Tail (tentacle like) that allows for cheap grapple attack.

I don’t know how “intelligent” that mutating virus is, but i think the game could also greatly benefit from mutations that are actually bad, or both a blessing and a curse for the mutated creature, representing the errors the virus made before it got to the good mutations. Like eyes in the chest instead of on the head or way too heavy armor on the back or an extra limb with no armor on it.


Gonna tell you, putting a Fly inspirated mechanic in the game is a f*ckin’ awesome idea!! That movie is one of the best horror, not because of puke-related digestions, but because the director said that Brundle’s transformation is a metaphor for getting severely sick and dying. If you ever met anyone with a severe disease (cancer, EM, Chron’s), you will see them in Seth Brundle.

Now, for this idea to be perfect, the mutation has to be gradual, and after the human completes the mutation, it has to digest the players characters in the battlefield to regain health. Not assimilate them, or absorb their energy… No, put them eating their former comrades, that’s horrifying.

If anybody hasn’t seen The Fly, it’s where the uber famous quote “Be afraid, be very afraid”, comes from.


Fully agreed. Make Cryssalid biten be more then just a walking dead since Romero. Fly is a great inspiration.


Raise Dead

Just thought of a new enemy/trap/obstacle/plant thing to be mutated.

The Giant Hogweed. Grows up to 4 m tall, can cause third degree burns, is an invasive species, and that is before the PV gets a hold of it. Oh and it is related to the carrot, just to make you more terrified of vegetables.


“phototoxicity” is now my new favorite botany word XD

It doesn’t give you 3rd degree burns, it makes the Sun do it instead! Brutal. Also potentially an interesting game mechanic: Attack the plants during the night, have a party, attack during the day and watch your whole squad burn like vampires :smiley:


Parsnippies! <3

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another animal for inspiration, the trilobite beetle



Fedo concept basically a large tardigrade but it attaches to vehicles and hinders movement, disables ram, and emits small damage over time to both vehicle and Personnel inside with it’s foul emissions. Can be disposed of easily with a pistol/melee and triggered as a boss defense mutation against ramming. Let’s take a moment to admit ramming is the most op thing in backer build 2.
