I figured that this would be a fun and potentially useful topic, for suggestions, and for a more general discussion of how we’d like to see mutations and mutated enemies in the game. How we’d like to see them showing up, how we’d like them to act, and how we’d like their abilities to work, and perhaps, to evolve over time.
What are some of the mutation-abilities that we would like to see, available to the enemies in the game? Also, what mutated animals would we like to see, showing up (and in which biomes?), and how would we like those mutations to look, and what abilities would we like them to possess?
As an example: I would really like to see penguins, in the game–Scary ones!
I envision them being quite large, perhaps two meters tall, or a little more, with undersized heads that have become emaciated and skull-like, with tiny, hateful pink eyes, smouldering deep. Their beaks would be extended into boney meat-hooks, and their chests would be bloated and swollen, covered with snow-white feathers that have transformed into razor-sharp arrowheads, making them completely albino in appearance.
Still flightless, their wings will have transformed as well, into huge, rubbery, flapping structures resembling the wings of bats, but much heavier-muscled, and more dextrous, covered with the stark white feather-barbs, and taloned with slashing claws that they’re able to twist and turn 270 degrees in any direction, allowing them to stab at even those behind them. These wings would allow them to not only eviscerate their human prey, but to envelope and smother them as well, crushing soldier and civilian alike against their armoured and cruelly-barbed chests.
Mutations would only enhance their nastiness: Their beaks could first become venomous, and then their whole heads would transform into debilitating sonic weapons, or sprayers of acid–or their necks could grotesquely extend, turning their poison-beaked heads into hideous scorpion-tail mockeries, while their wings further evolved, their talons becoming several grasping tentacles, covered in ripping, fish-hook thorns that they would be able to capture and drag people with.
Finally, their feather-barbs would become toxic hosts of the Pandovirus, and these devil-penguins would be able to tear off huge hand-fulls of these, from their own bodies, and fling them high into the air, where they would slowly drift down like deadly little snowflakes, falling on and injuring and infecting anyone in the area, while producing a small new pocket of the Mist.