Serious question

why do the game looks better on random internet images? this is very misleading

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Not so much random pictures, the game did go through a kind of visual paradigm shift between backer builds, don’t recall tactical combat looking quite like it does in the third image but it did used to look a lot cooler though somewhat less informative in terms of information.

My memory may be playing tricks but I’m sure the first and 2nd are pretty much straight out of a early backer build or at least we had builds with a ui and visual style exactly like that albeit with a somewhat different map used for the premade mission scenario.

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Those are from early dev builds. The second one is a mission from a couple of the Backer Builds, 2nd and 3rd I think, might’ve been 1st and 2nd builds.

A real shame that tileset doesn’t seem to be in the final game, it looked fantastic.

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Yeah, the older darker aesthetics were really nice. Was quite a surprise when the later BB came out that brightened up the tone of the game by quite a lot came around.

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I’m really surprised that they didn’t stick with the gritty, post industrial tile sets from the early builds, they make the current game look pretty bland and sterile.

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Only now be revisiting BB’s Fort Freiheit I understood how cool that setting was. The team needs to revisit that.

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