I get where you’re coming from and, from personal experience, I definitely feel that some DLC has been anti-consumer over the past few years.
However, I don’t feel that’s the case here. The developers have already tried to cram in as much content and ideas as possible, hence the many delays.
Knowing in advance that you plan DLC doesn’t always mean ‘withholding content’ to get a few extra bucks. Knowing roughly (yes, just roughly) when you’ll release it doesn’t mean it’s content that’s completed or half-way finished either, imho.
It’s just a way of letting people know they plan to support the game in the future and that, once you’ve spent ages mastering the core game mechanics, they’ll be new content to learn and experience later on, meaning another reason to go back to the game.
For me, an example of bad DLC practice would be the Prothean team-mate, along with the Citadel and Leviathan missions from Mass Effect 3. The Protheans were an integral part of the lore and it was available day one. No reason at all not to include it. I think it was actually in the installation code but you had to pay to unlock it, iirc. Either way it was scummy business, along with all the withheld extra weapons.
The Leviathan DLC was a mission that went a long way to explaining the story and history of the Reapers and made the widely hated ending a bit more palatable.
Finally, one of the big deals about the final part of the series was that fans were hoping to get to spend time with all their favourite characters, but possibly the best example of that was in the Citadel DLC. So yeah, for me that’s an example of greed, pure and simple, and it came at the expense of the experience.
Good DLC would be Witcher 3, Warcraft 3 and Xcom 2, though many would argue they’re actually expansions. Still, they were planned ahead of time too.
PP is a game that is full of depth, more so than the Firaxcoms, and will take a long time to master, to complete the highest difficulties and also bears at least a couple of playthroughs, lore wise.
Imo, we’re getting everything, possibly more, than was originally planned when they announced the game.
The only option is to wait for all the DLC to be released and then get the GotY edition much later on, which is perfectly fine too. Either way, I don’t think Snapshot have been deceitful or greedy here.