Reason and Explanation of Scavenging Site

As a beginner or critic sees this mission.

Resource Collection Mission - Ok.
Kill all enemies - always OK.
Crates protected [9/9] - but here we will dwell on more details.

What are these сrates? What are they doing here and how are they here? Why are the сrates scattered all over the map and on the roofs? Why are Monsters attacking them?
Only one answer - this is Resources, sounds unconvincing. And you “simply and thoughtlessly” fulfill the Mission’s goals, without understanding “What is happening here?!”.

An important note, you need to connect the game process and the story, the mission of “Scavenging Site” and “Ambush.” In case of unsuccessful “Scavenging Site”, the soldiers do not have time to search them and find themselves in the “Ambush”.

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