I just hope that next person asking for that telemetry will eventually get to dev’s attention. It is quite long time since we started asking for that.
My point is, that player must “deserve” his experienced soldiers, not just “wait” for them
Yea well I hope Devs are not stuck on balancing stuff. I’m thinking the PP difficult rules content is more than enough already…Devs could just adjust some parts here and there intsead of revamp the player skill rules. For instance, if Pandoran are very easy to kill…adjust their health, give Pandoran thicker - tons of health instead revamp player skills rules. Imho adding more Pandoran is not good because it is harder to optimize, so yea more Pandoran health might be much easier for balance to trace and achieve without risking other things.
Next patch wishes
- Bug free
I don’t agree, but that is not the place to discuss it.
BTW. Next patch will fix some bugs. And it will bring few but good changes.
I wonder what next patch released with DLC will bring.
Hoping for new base mechanics. As they are now, bases are so… Dry. Barebones. Tasteless.
Wish I had the mood to discuss in depth of fine tune Pandoran health, I haven’t even had time to finish the game at the moment. But I’m more than happy to read why you’re being opposed to thicker Pandoran health if the case Pandoran is easy to be killed *in the right forum thread of course.
Anyways, I’m hoping the base game is fixed as should be, that might helps me to keep the hype for upcoming DLC. Is it going to be full aerial battle or mixed?
I’m not sure if there is proper thread. Overall I don’t like high HP ideology. It creates quite high disbelief. How much shots from any weapon enemy should suck in without any special conditions? Because HP looks like that - target can take any punishment without any special philosophy. I would prefer to give them higher armor, or some partial resistances to some forms of attacks to make other forms of attacks better. But I would really omit increasing overall HP pool which just hinders all weapons and tactics. And if some weapon is too powerful then just bring it’s damage to lower values, instead of pumping up HP and making killing with other weapons difficult.
I apologize for not being clear. Thicker Pandoran HP doesn’t mean to remove the element altogether except raise up their HP, what I meant is keeping all the elements and getting their fine adjustment between them starting from their HP. I understand your standpoint and I think we do have similar suggestions with different approaches.

Thicker Pandoran HP doesn’t mean to remove the element altogether except raise up their HP, what I meant is keeping all the elements and getting their fine adjustment between them starting from their HP.
But pandoran’s being too squishy isn’t a problem. It’s been a while since I played, but after alien evolution revamp I found enemy HP pretty good. Making enemies bullet sponges will makes things harder, but not necessarly more fun or interesting. I would even wager a thesis that OP combinations aren’t a problem because they exist, but because they fail to be limited with will mechanic. FiraXCOM has some skills that break the game as well but at least with cooldowns you need to decide when to use them. Occasional, powerful skills are alright. The problems becomes when things become repetitive - and it might be result of player not having enough tools at thier disposal, or some skills being not effective enough (which might happen if HP was drastically increased) or some skills being so powerful they deal with all threats.
Balance isn’t about making things limiting or boring, it’s about making things varied and interesting.
I couldn’t really tell you about that, it’s really time consuming to go a deeper look. Let’s say what you’ve said is valid true; basically you’re saying any adjustment with the current game state will end up giving the same result.

Balance isn’t about making things limiting or boring, it’s about making things varied and interesting.
Creativity it is, which I agree about. Balance doesn’t mean to be exclusively equal, but a fair set. I guess the soft spot I could think of is to add some new rules and or mechanics instead of focusing on specific elements. Anyways thanks for such discussion.