Well for me I’m not going to post rude remarks anymore as the final stage of grief has kicked in, acceptance.
I will say that I am impressed about one thing, Snapshot didn’t censor us. so props for that.
While i’m still unhappy about it, I realize this game likely would fail without additional funding.
I think backers have a right to be mad, but I also realize that crowdfunding almost never produces enough funding for a complete game. It would’ve been nice if they had found a better way to do it. I don’t believe Gollop and his team wanted to do this, but they probably felt they had too.
For everyone still seething with anger, don’t jump on me please. I’m expressing regret for being rude. I think my anger was justified, but my behavior was not appropriate, and all things considered, as stated, snapshot didn’t censor us, and seeing how rampant censorship has become, it’s good of them to respect us enough not to.