Missiles and Grenades and cross-eyed soldiers

I would like to see something like World of Tanks had with artillery shots. :slight_smile:

He asked you to be civil. Seems like a perfectly reasonable question.

I would like to see something like World of Tanks had with artillery shots.

What do they have? Im not familiar with it?

Since 1:25 you can see good example how targeting circle looks like

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Agreed - the point of a tactical/strategic game is to be able to make impactful decisions. Without adequate information the decisions chosen lose their impact. “Hey, maybe this will work - maybe it will be a complete waste - we’re not going to tell you or even give you a hint how likely the outcome is, so - good luck! Now own your decision!” Makes save-scumming alot less offensive than the blind decision making forced upon us.

My guess is that this is a time-constraint issue, they obviously would want to implement better ways for everything where possible.

dafuq Voland? Did you actualy think when you wrote “However, when aiming them you can tell that they have a higher chance of hitting the spot if the aiming line is red and it ends in a red circle with a dot inside.”



So your ‘solution’ is absolute nonsense. They don’t have a ‘higher’ percent chance of hitting when red - they just have a CHANCE of hitting. What chance? Nobody can tell… LoL.

So here is a good metaphor; I am going to heat up a single item of silverware in your oven to 500F then I am going to put it back in your silverware drawer. YOU must now set the table immediately. Would you like me to tell you which it is? Tough. You ask if it was a big fork or a little spoon? Tough! It is random and the odds are in your favor. Stop crying like a little girl and just do it. THAT is what launching feels like in this game as well as the devs responses to our request for better info.

Stop being obnoxious! I would not even expect @VOLAND to even respond to your nonsense. The explanation is correct, but judging by your rude social skills, these comments may be beyond your level of comprehension. Please stop reacting like this. The intention of @VOLAND was to help you!

Did I borrow money from you and not pay you back? Did I sell you a bad secondhand car? Am I one of your progenitors that failed to provide you with sufficient nourishment and care in your formative years?

Then what goes on in your head when you write something like this to make you think that this is an OK way talk to people you don’t know?

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I think @Hugh_Jasdic was trying to get at that firing them is a straight up gamble right now.

The red circle with a dot is needed to straight up fire. It doesent say anything about your odds of veering off target. If its grey you cant fire, at all.

I think Hugh may have had a bad day, who knows. I’m going through the new topic responses and this is the second one that I see him write like this, but in another one he was critiquing something else with very reasonable arguments and education.

However, his intention is clear as Demoulius wrote. Explosive launchers need better explanation of the error possibilities… unfortunately I don’t have much to add here. Yokes suggestion of the world of tanks mechanic may work, although in a hurried watch I didn’t understand it :joy:. Never played that game.