Make Dash only in a straight line

My two cents…

Dash is part of a larger problem of extreme mobility. The question is not so much what to do about dash specifically as whether there is too much mobility and what should be done about it. I don’t want to go off topic or expand the scope of the issue, it’s just that you can’t consider dash in isolation. Nerf it too much and you just make quickaim and various speed buffs the optimal solution.

To quote myself:

And as someone pointed out in that thread in my calculations I didn’t take into account a third row skill that gives another +2 to speed, so the maximum speed is 34, after frenzy 34+34*50%=51. So 51 tiles in a single turn without dash. Now combine with things like vanish (which allows moving 5 tiles for 4 WP), quickaim (which gives 1 AP worth of extra movement) and of course Rally the Troops and hopefully you can see that even without dash you can have too much mobility.

So, unfortunately, just nerfing dash would upset many causal/novice players without fundamentally solving the problem.

My suggestion in the thread I shamelessly plugged in here (sorry about that :wink:) is put a hard cap on speed and make frenzy add +10 to speed, instead of +50%. So frenzy could be used to make slower soldiers faster, not turn fast soldiers into Flashes.

Leave dash as is, but make it optional in the difficulty settings to cap all skills to one use per turn.

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