I can't progress because of Mouse control problem (Windows Store version)

UPDATE: I bought the game in Epic Store and the problem is not there! :slight_smile: So it most likely has to do with Windows Store, and Windows Store running all games like a Windows App and not allowing you to change that (run as normal .exe). The Windows App overlay seem to cause the problem with the game UI when using downsampling. That isn’t a problem with the game bought in Epic Store.

Hello, I have a problem that is game breaking.

I am playing Phoenix Point on Win10 through Windows Store. I am playing it at 4K resolution downscaled to 1080p and I suspect that this has thrown of the mouse control.

How? When I hoover the mouse cursor over UI buttons (both in-game and in the main menu), some buttons get activated but other do not react on the presence of the mouse cursor hoovering above it. So I can’t for example exit the game (I have to tab out or ALT+F4), I can’t scroll down with the slider on graphics options. And on the tutorial I can’t heal my teammate because I can’t click on the healing device in the abilities bar. So I am stuck progressing in past the tutorial.

I can’t change back the resolution either because of the same problem. So I am somewhat stuck in this situation. Windows Store locks the installation folder behind a heavily protected folder so I can’t access the game files and reset any ini files from there. Is there any way to solve this?

Perhaps a hint to solving it can be a pecualiar behaviour I have noticed; when I move the mouse cursor to the center top or center bottom of the screen a blue thin bar pops-up (I suspect this is something Windows App related). If I click it, it has brings up the windows activity bar (the one at the bottom of the screen with system time etc.).

Here’s a image of the blue thin bar: https://imgur.com/a/aRr0dn5

I can’t help you but I have a question. Why you play with such settings? Won’t it be easier to set Full HD resolution to show it on Full HD display?

You are correct that it is easier to have it rendering in 1080p on a 1080p screen. It is less demanding on the GPU. On the other hand if you play with higher resolution than the native, in my case 4K, and then downscale to 1080p the image quality improves. So it is a way of having better graphics but on the cost of performance (GPU demanding).

Ok. So Snapshot has something to look upon.

Yes I definitely think so. This I would consider a serious game problem because I can no longer progress through the tutorial that requires me to click on a certain button. And I can’t change back to 1080p because it doesn’t work anymore to click on the change resolution button. So the game is broken for me and unplayable now past the 1st tutorial mission.

I bought the game in Epic Store and the problem is not there! :slight_smile: So it most likely has to do with Windows Store, and Windows Store running all games like a Windows App and not allowing you to change that (run as normal .exe). The Windows App overlay seem to cause the problem with the game UI when using downsampling. That isn’t a problem with the game bought in Epic Store.