How to refund Games? (All recent topics from Rasvoja merged here)

While there is a truth to this, it’s not a very ethical way to run a business. Luring players in to spend money on the new sparkly shiny stuff, only to have them find it a buggy mess is very short term thinking. Running a business ethically tends to be better in the long run. Creating good will with your customers might not make you a buck today, but it tends to make you more than that buck in the long run.

I would prefer that they fix the bugs than put in new content. Many new players will feel ripped off and will not be repeat customers, when their new shiny turns out to be junk. That’s basic business ethics that they teach you in the first year of business school. The computer gaming industry doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo.


Yes, and I am trying just to fix that + some moderation + Julian really does not have right to duck and cover, and that is all.

Its a bit like Syndicate/Union episode of ren and stimpy

I guess ethics are put aside if you have pay the bills and salaries. PP wasn’t a great success to put it lightly, and I don’t think they can run indefinitely on entry money. Unless someone knows the situation of the company, we can assume on overal game reception that it isn’t doing as they may have planned.

I am not saying it is like I have just said. I just don’t think they are not aware what is good in long term and what is not, so we have to assume the reason for current situation. Despite my other SG concerns, I don’t think “because they are greedy” is a reason.


I don’t understand everything rasvoja says. And, I don’t agree with everything I do understand. But, he does make some good points. Many of the bugs really do wreck the game. I LOVE many aspects of this game. But, as it stands, I’d be very leery of buying the next game Snapshot puts out. And, I wouldn’t currently recommend Phoenix Point to anyone.

That said, linking your strike to a criticism of a specific user, and turning it into your signature box was never going to end well. That’s pretty high up on the list of no no’s in internet etiquette. It’s almost certainly too late to warn you, but I am very sure that you are going to get in trouble for that.


Well if anything gets fixed, I am willing to pay the price

Most people tend to think that’s a good way to run a business. It’s usually not, but that’s the general perception in society. Even your line shows that:

Running a business in that manner CAN pay the bills and salaries better in the short run, but in the long run, ethically tends to make more money. Setting up a business takes time and money. That time and money go to waste if you piss your customers off by selling them a faulty product that looks amazing. You often don’t even make back the initial investment. X-Com has been a very long lived series. Phoenix Point being so unpopular is saying something. Putting out shiny junk is not a good business move.

They need to prioritize fixing bugs and balance issues. Putting out new stuff that doesn’t work properly is not as good a way to get customers as most people think.


Attaching the two issues like that will make the bugs LESS likely to get fixed.

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I am sorry, but that is an opinion only a person priveleged by not having to deal with these bills and salaries could give. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, putting additional pressure when company considers bugs non-priority would and that is exactly what I am doing. I can go via consumer protection laws if that suits better your taste.

Attaching need for moderation is less important, and not so conditional.
I would like to see some improved moderation here. Corto is good example of defensive agressor.

I doubt that there will be any trouble.

And I doubt that bugs will get fixed faster than it is planned.

But I can say that surely SG is following many of bugs and there are plans to erase those more inconvenient for the players. We just don’t know the schedule and what is in the top priority to get fixed.

Is it planned? Tell us more?

Use my list

Two statements contradict each other, you cant have a plan and NOT know priority. Then essentially you pretend to have a plan

We players don’t know it. Snapshot probably has some plan.

Community Council (so me too) doesn’t have insight into development project.

Unprobability drive is fully ON :slight_smile:

and answer is 42.

Let me know when you know.
Until then counting down to “players on strike”

If I see some plan and even fix meanwhile, I will drop it. I am not against game,
just against ignoring all players problems.

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I doubt that you will be satisfied. :wink: No one sane would publish their development plan. As it would be just an axe over their heads.

60 day time span is too little time to change anything even if they would like to fix even the most daring bugs right now. And I doubt that they want to focus on that only.

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Actually it is from a first year university business course.

One doesn’t exclude the other. Students rarely have to pay the bills and salaries. :slight_smile:

It was from the professor. Not a student.:wink:

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Oh, you know I am kidding. :stuck_out_tongue: My point is that when you reach the point where you start thinking about choice between paying the bills or salaries and being long term fair, you may not have a choice at all. :slight_smile:

That is why I stand by the point that it is easy to judge if you are not the one making the choice.

Still, there is no proof that there is such need for a choice in the first place, so one of the solutions would be to send SG to business course you have just mentioned, even for a year. :smiley:


I did not catch that you were joking. Sorry. But, yeah I get it, companies can be in an awkward position. And, sometimes putting food on the table today, is more important than making even better profits down the road.
:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:But, I have food on MY table, and I want a better game, so fuck those guys :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (just kidding)

Still on, at least from my side, unless refunded.