Hey, and what about that Geoscape? Cool stuff!

I guess everybody must have seen it, for now seems really cool, with the grey and orange colours. Can’t wait to see what the team will be adding up for BB3.

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Please post picture >:-) Its nice to be cool, its cooler to be usable and playable.

Uh, my phone is not allowing to put pictures. Well, here it goes the link


It’s not cool, it’s hot!. :wink:

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Quite nice,

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It’s pretty :noice: :sunglasses:

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Aren’t South America and Australia kind of different in this globe?

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They mutated :wink: Its just show off GIF dont go too much in details.
Surely, its hell better then AGA Geoscape back in 9x.

North Africa has someting strange too, maybe this is how is the postwar world, and i’m fine with that, the earth but not the earth.

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The world looks different because the ice melted on the northern and southern pole and therefore the sea level has risen.

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It’s actually based on this:


Post apocalyptic dystopias :slight_smile:

Judging from the orientation of everything, I’d say that the video clip takes place in March of 2047

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Great detail in using Nationa >Geographic reference. Better yet to understand that both my hometown and current town have been completely wiped out :smiley:


@UnstableVoltage Oh, that’s really neat! It definitely shows that Gollop and his team are really paying attention to details :smiley: :smiley: But I wonder if the Pandoravirus hastened the melting of the ice caps, or if it was just released due to their melting. I also wonder if increased global temperatures will have an effect on the game, like huge sections of the battlescapes being extremely hot.

IiRC, there will be sections of the game in Africa, so maybe in the desert the troops will suffer heavy willpower penalties? Putting the player just searching for pools of water needed for restablishing a lost Phoenix base would be a cool detail

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With drones and aerial ships it should not be so hard.

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you’d think that, but that isn’t the case. Even with satellites it is very difficult to find water sources there

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Even if so, there is always transit and logistics. You don’t need to have everything critical to base functioning in one place. I would prefer to send cargo there instead of putting my soldiers at risk.

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Well, if the devs want to end the game on a really dark note, they could have it so a cure is found for the virus, but ends up killing 99,9% of mankind. So, no more havens or factions.

I think that’s what happened with the original hominids that destroyed the original Pandora invasion. The final mission would be set deep in Africa, in the last places that the virus wasn’t able to reach, and the mission would be just to kill the last mutants chasing the soldiers and find the necessary logistics to found a new base. From there, mankind would be reborn from the ashes of the old world, like, like, well, like a phoenix