Heavy Cannon - Hel II feedback

Ekhm… I may just say “No” to your post. I used it quite a lot in previous build. In this build not so much but still I know its power.

On those lightly armored yes. On those with better armor, not really. You need 2 grenades. And for elite version of Tritons you will need at least 3 grenades to cripple them. I know it is not too much, but when you have many Tritons on the mission then this weapons is just useful, not overpowered.

It is because there is a bug when damage to equipment is calculated. Normally you would need 2 grenades to destroy smaller guns, and 3 grenades to destroy rifles and heavy weapons. Imagine there is no bug. You need 2 or 3 turns (except you will use Boom Blast) to destroy something that Sniper Rifle obliterates with 1 shot.

There will be scatter, I don’t know why it isn’t already in BB5 since few weapons have scatter. I also treat it like a bug. Eliminate that bug and, now with that scatter, Grenade Launcher won’t be so Overpowered. And in the end this is heavy weapon with explosive damage - it must have a punch.

It is armored. Most items have 20 points of armor. So better than some light armors.

Grenade Launcher is not high end technology which should not be available from the start. It is good weapon vs weak enemies. Later on when aliens will develop armor it will be not a KABOOM weapon, but normal equipment required to survive.

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I am sorry if you found my post rude or offensive, it wasn’t my intention. If later in the game weapon feels more balanced that’s Ok, just want to point out it makes early to mid game boring because of how broken it is.

I guess there’s no scatter because targeting system of throw weapons is completly different and left as it is for now. As for damage equipment it may be a bug or just balance issue. Not sure how damage calculations and armour penetration works but maybe early game explosives could have negative armor penetration (to be less effective against armored targets but without additional bonus against unarmored ones). This is an issue of normal grenades as well, but fortunately these don’t have such extreme range and radius.

I didn’t. :slight_smile: I just felt that I need to clarify why I think Goliath is not OP. :wink:

Hey guys, I haven’t read the whole thread yet but used the search so it looks like noone has mentioned it. It is like the last BBs with the hel cannon but still worse, let me explain:

  1. The heavy soldier is in the beginning the most useless soldier because of it’s high ap cost and low movement speed and the bad accuracy.
  2. The accuracy loss doesn’t come from the weapon itself, it is the heavy armor (Helmet -10%, Body -10%, Legs -15%), same for movement speed and perception…

So if you begin using assault or sniper armor on your heavy it will be a fast moving, 1hit soldier with good accuracy.

First of all, it is good and cool to use other weapon/armor parts from different classes, please don’t remove it!
Second, is it ok that your heavy is shit in the beginning and op if you switch some armor parts?
In my opinion a heavy soldiers does not nessecerily needs to use heavy armor so i’m fine with it but reversing the effect of having a “not so good accurcy as a assult/sniper” with a heavy by swapping the amor is not the best way.

I’m really not sure how to make it viable in the beginning without effecting to much other parts later in the game. Maybe I would lessen the accuracy loss on the heavy armor to like 0 to -5% per part and give the weapon itself a lower hit chance, that could make it a bit more viable with heavy armor in the beginning, lower the ap cost to 50% could also work out so you might be able to jet jump and shoot in one turn (you could increase the wp cost for jet jump to compensate).

So what do you think about it?

I always use Heavy as mobile artillery. still cheaper and smaller than scarab :wink:
you are correct. Heavies accuracy is shitty as hell so use other method!
I use 2 builds (going to test third, as I just get flamethrower)

  1. heavy armour + goliath GL. use Jetpack to take higher grounds, THEN boom blast to throw some nades to destroy aliens weapons and weaken then, so they can be finished by priest with mind crush or berserker with adrenaline rush.

  2. heavy armour + machine gun - hatchery killer. Jetpack + burst rage (if you have Marked for death from sniper it’s a one shot kill).

I can clearly say that for kill counter my heavies are the worst part of the team. But I can’t imagine playing without them as they saved my ass too many times

It is effectiveness vs protection. Heavy armor is to give heavy way to withstand enemy fire and allow him to get closer and still stay alive. :slight_smile: If you sacrifice it for better damage output then it is fine. But maybe maluses on heavy armor could be less punishing.

I know, but if your heavy is like 2-3 turns behind your assaults the protection is useless cause the aliens will aim your assaults. I also like to have a soldier that can rely on armor and doesn’t have to hide behind something but they would have to stay in the frontline for that. And if you don’t get xp leveling is pain.

I don’t know if they added something like this, but a really nice perk would be something that negates all movement reduction from armor for your heavy. Could be something mid to high level. Or just make it a perk for wp cost to activate in the turn you need, like dash but that would be much cooler. Dash is just boring (yeah it is useful but just boring).

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Most of the time I don’t find the cannon particularly useful, but on the rare occasion I actually get close enough to where my soldier can hit, it’s effective. Mostly my heavy ends up running around and doing potshots and overwatch with his pistol.

i had the same problem. So i gave the cannon my sniper, he hits very often :wink: and my heavy now use a grenade launcher and is now a great supporter.

I gave heavy with cannon a sniper helmet, probably will give pants too and extra mag. If you get him to some high point you can rage burst into cluster of enemies or at tanks.