Game become more easier with Danforth

I was reporting that in Discord many days ago , Big Walls affecting enemies behavior:

You can use Aspida vehicles too, my first Danforth playthrough I waited, base attack , and there I have the Aspida, vivisections for free :smile:

Lol :rofl:

It’s a challenge without RB, but doable under the right situation. I did it with 2 snipers while trying to stay out of her Blaster Cannons. It was in a Citadel and I had to use the fact that the dumb reinforcements were stuck behind the wall. Had that not been the case, it would have been impossible. By the time I captured her, there were at least 6 Pandorans stuck, 3 Tritons, 2 Arthrons and 1 Siren.

EDIT: It currently takes a minimum of 19 hits with an Athena to paralyze the newly buffed Scylla. Without RB, this is nigh close to an eternity.

Same here.
Normal shoots (1x) with both types of Paralyze Range Weapons (Sniper Rifle or Handgun) are completely sufficient.

However, I have never tried the PP Melee Paralyzer. This should be an extreme challenge. It is said to have been accomplished by someone. (By the way: I think the PP Melee Paralyzer is too weak and not friendly to beginners, as they don’t know that a good relationship with Synedrion should be maintained)

I don’t think either side should be to here someone not moving or shooting through a 10-15 foot thick concrete wall. Not without the priest’s ability or the mount to reveal living beings through walls.

Maybe no one should be, but AFAIK every character in this game can hear through walls as long it is in hearing range. AFAIK there is no exclusion for walls.

Before Danforth I did it. And I don’t suppose I was the only one. With Danforth I would need to calculate it before attempting. :smiley: Probably stun and Warcry would help here.

In my opinion Pirate King is one of the easiest missions in the game (The Pure Fortress another), if the mission is triggered before mid game, enemies are too few, and after mid game, they are many but we have the tech to kill them fast and clean:

When is early, mid and late game periods considered? Is it related to time or tech development etc?

Legend mid game is February 15th. This mission February 24th.

Usually I research very fast, it is not linked to tech development in my case.

I could complete the campaign early March through Disciples, although this time I will choose NJ

So I’d take my comments back. With level 7 soldiers they are still not too difficult. I think that unless my soldier are not experienced enough, then I would evacuate the mission. I think that I’m used to power play and correctly need to re-balance my expectations. Realistically, they are and should be a difficult challenge. I think that I was overreacting for a set or circumstances

UnstableVoltage won’t answer you. He is no longer part of Snapshot Games. Or maybe he will answer, but as regular user.

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As today those are the news, posted in Discord

That being the case, then he probably needs a holiday!

I watched the clip posted in this thread, to me it’s an aberration beserker/assault using AR and RC with Deceptor MG, where is the fun in that?

I don’t use Rally or Electric Reinforcement, period. AR I tested it and using it with 2nd class weapons/abilities is too much, so no more.
I can use Boom Blast or Rage Burst and that is as far I should go, Rapid clearance sometimes,
LV 6 and 7 abilities are so powerful for most of the classes and Multiclass enable lot of options, and perks.
On top of that Augmentations , bionic and mutations.

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Is this really implemented?

I have tested this a bit and it seemsthat something like described is implemented.
When I did almost nothing except some ambushes then the evolution was roughly delayed about two weeks compared to a run where I have done as much missions as possible. I’ve compared the dates for introduction of Lairs and Citadels on Veteran.


So in general, “our perfectionism” invokes faster evolution?

Yes. The better the player is, the better opponents become.